
出版时间:2010-1  出版社:刘红梅、 吴思博 新星出版社 (2010-01出版)  作者:刘红梅 编  页数:225  译者:吴思博  


  In the 1930s,the first Chinese writer Lin Yutang who introduced China to the world in English compared the nation to autumn.Today,I see my motherland in the best time of spring and summer,confident and radiant,with a long journey ahead of her.Just as the wishes in Liang Qichao,S book:How beautiful you are.our young China—your years shall be measured by Heaven;How powerful you are.our young Chincsc—you shall live a long life like your country.


ContentsPREFACEZhu Fengyi Cast the First National EmblemDa Guohua My Beautiful Yinchuan and Forget-me-notLi Licheng Presenting Oil to My MotherlandZhao Jinqi My University DreamYu Ningping Two Yeaans on a Forest FarmYu Xiaoping Years of Burning PassionLiu Jiang and Cao LinxiuLove in HuaqiangbeiZhang Hanshui A Fast-moving TimeDong Wei Reaching the TopZhu Dayi Conversing with the Heavens  Xiong Yuan Flying over the Oceans and Mountains in My Heartand in My DreamsACKNOWLEDGEMENT


版权页:插图:The day I left for Xinjiang, my father happened to be sick. That after-noon in September I96I, my father walked out with a cane to see me off,followed by my elderly mother. Since I had luggage, I called a tricycle andset off to the train station, the old couple following behind. The sight ofthem hobbling at my heels was too much for me. So I told them over my shoulders, "Mom and dad, you can rest assured I can take care of myself,so please don't follow the tricycle any farther", but they wouldn't hear ofit. At first the tricycle moved ahead slowly and they were able to keepup, my father limping along on his cane and my mother hobbling on withtears in her eyes. As the tricycle picked up speed, they gradually disap-peared out of sight, fading into the distance, melting into the crowd inthe street.At that time I didn't cry; however, when the train started moving andaccelerated into the Pearl River Plain, sitting by the window, I burst intoand my old parentsand hastening to the distant and strange Xinjiang without knowing when I would be able to return. I remembered too how my parents looked as they tried to follow the tricycle. I did cry then; it was my first time to cry since entering adulthood. It was also my first time to realize with great agony that our generation had to confront the dilemma between career and family and make a painful decision in order to better serve our country'sdevelopment.


《最好的时光》Stories of the Youths in China form 1949 to 2009.Editor-in-Chief:Liu Hongmei Translated by: Wu Sibo Polished by:Margaret A.Carey.




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