
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:魏龙、 柯北 中国画报出版社 (2009-08出版)  作者:魏龙,柯北 著  页数:255  


  Zhang Yimou,bom in 1951inXian.ShaanXj ProVince,once went to settle down in the countryside,andworked at a state—Owned cotton textllefactory He graduated from the Photography Depanment of the BeijingFilm Academy in 1982.Zhang Yimou,Chen Kaige and Tian Zhuangzhuang are the representative directors of thefifth generation Of the Chinese cinema,Zhang Yimou was director of phOtography for two films,One and Eight and Yellow Earth,and directed many famous films,such as Red Sorghum,The Story of Qiuju,Raisethe Red Lantern,Hero,Ambush from All Sides and Curse of the GoldenFlower,He is a standard—bearer of the Chinese cinema,Leading it on a march to the Outside world.In 2008,me opening and closing ceremonies of the 2008 Beijing olympic Games with Zhang Yimou as chief director weregreat successes.His achieVementS have been recognized not Only in China but throughout the world.


01 Zhang Yimou in His Early Youth02 His Dream Comes True with the Passage of Time03 One and Eight,Where the Dream Starts04 Yellow Earth—a Dream in 198405 The Big Parade—Last Movie Jointly Made by Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige06 Old Well—Zhang Yimou Becomes a Film Emperor07 Red Sorghum—Two Women Behind a Successful Man08 Fight and Love with a Terracotta Warrior—Two Lovers Who Cannot Escape Theri Fate09 Code Name“Cougar”—Zhangg Yimou Suffers a Critical Defeat10 Ju Dou—Zhang Yimou Walks Towards the Altar of Directors11 Raise the Red Lantern—a Master of Color12 The Story of Qiuju—Trying to Break out of the Old Mode13 To Live—an Embarrassingly Successful Film14 Shanghai Triad—the Fate Zhang Yimou Cannot Shake off15 Keep Cool—an Absurd City Movie……



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