出版时间:2010-9 出版社:中国民主法制出版社有限公司 作者:沙丽金 编 页数:314
Unit 1 Legal SystemsUnit 2 Court SystemUnit 3 Constitutional LawUnit 4 Criminal LawUnit 5 Criminal ProcedureUnit 6 Civil ProcedureUnit 7 EvidenceUnit 8 Tort LawUnit 9 Contract LawUnit 10 Property LawUnit 11 Intellectual PropertyUnit 12 Corporation LawUnit 13 Securities LawUnit 14 Bankruptcy LawUnit 15 Antitrust LawUnit 16 Environmental LawUnit 17 International LawUnit 18 Legal ProfessionAppendixesKey to Exercises
The British Empire brought the common law to all continents. The common lawwas "received" in many countries but its reception has been most successful incountries where the European settlers became a majority and imposed their law overindigenous populations. This is the ease in Australia, English Canada, NewZealand and the United States (except Louisiana where the civil law was .in placebefore the United States gained jurisdiction). The common law was also imposedon many other colonies but usually with some adaptions to take into account thelocal customs. In some cases, the United States imposed parts of the common lawon newly entrusted territories (eg , the Philippines). Still today in Africa andAsia, former British eolonies eontinue to apply the common law. Today, India isthe most populous common law country. Following the second world war, the economic hegemony of the United Statesalso contributed to the expansion of the common law. Contracts were drafted incommon law terms and international arbitrators often applied common lawprinciples.