出版时间:2011-1 出版社:中国宇航 作者:欧·亨利 页数:422 译者:沈忆文 注释
欧·亨利是美国最著名的短篇小说家之一。他的作品构思新颖。语言诙谐,富于生活情趣,结局常常出人意外,善于描写美国社会尤其是纽约百姓的生活,堪称“美国生活的幽默百科全书”。 他的作品以真实准确的细节描写、生动简洁的语言,使一系列栩栩如生的艺术形象展现在读者面前,也使他在世界短篇小说史上占有重要位置,有人将他比做“美国的莫泊桑”,也被评论界誉为曼哈顿桂冠散文作家和美国现代短篇小说之父。 《欧·亨利短篇小说精选》选录了欧·亨利最优秀的多篇短篇小说代表作,其中有些已成为世界短篇小说史上的经典名篇。这些作品脍灸人口,经久不衰。
作者:(美国)欧·亨利 丛书主编:彭萍 注译:沈忆文
1. The Gift of the Magi2. Fox-in-the-M oming3. A Blackjack Bargainer4. A Cosmopolite in a Cafe5. A Newspaper Story6. After Twenty Years7. A Technical Error8. He Also Serves9. Girl10. Hearts and Hands11. A Service of Love12. Mammon and the Archer13. Memoirs of a Yellow Dog14. One Dollar's Worth15. One Thousand Dollars16. Roads of Destiny17. Shoes18. The Cop and the Anthem19. Seats of the Haughty20. The Count and the Wedding Guest21. The Detective Detector22. The Furnished Room23. The Last Leaf24. The Lotus and the Bottle25. The Making of a New Yorker26. The Marry Month of May27. The Pendulum28. The Green Door29. The Romance of a Busy Broker30. The Trimmed Lamp31. The Skylight Room32. The Whirligig of Life33. To Him Who Waits34. Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen35. Witches' Loaves36. The Princess and the Puma37. The Cactus38. An Unfinished Story39. An Adjustment of Nature40. Springtime a La Carte41. The Passing of Black Eagle42. Buried Treasure43. Confessions of a Humorist44. The Pimienta Pancakes45. A Midsummer Knight's Dream
Raggles landed from a ferry-boat one morning and walked intothe core of the town with the blas6~ air of a cosmopolite. He wasdressed with care to play the role of an "unidentified man. " No coun-try, race, class, clique, union, party clan or bowling association couldhave claimed him. His clothing, which had been donated to himpiece-meal by citizens of different height, but same number of inchesaround the heart, was not yet as uncomfortable to his figure as thosespeciments of raiment, self-measured, that are railroaded to you bytranscontinental tailors with a suit case, suspenders.
持久的影响。 ——英网短篇小说作家贝茨欧·亨利的短篇小说构思巧妙,语言诙谐,结局出人意料,内容以描写美国社会尤其是纽约百姓生活著称,被评论家誉为“美国生活的幽默百科全书”。 ——媒体书评