
出版时间:2008-5  出版社:中国宇航  作者:刘岩//刘婷婷  页数:320  


  《职场充电:求职面试英语应急口语(修订版)》在体例设计上具有鲜明的板块特征,共分为以下6个栏目:  一、热身词汇记一记,本栏目列选了与单元主题相关的词汇,使读者能够在学习之前,对单词集中攻关,对所涉的主题有个初步的了解。  二、核心句型背一背,本栏目主要侧重培养读者的模仿能力,通过学习筛选出来的高频率句型,重点掌握主题内容,同时又可以牢记固定表达方式?,做到举一反三,创造出更多更新的、便于自己掌握的句子。  三、经典短句练一练


Chapter 1  常见问题妙答  Common Questions and AnswersUnit 1  见面寒暄  Gre6tingsUnit 2  姓名和年龄  Name and AgeUnit 3  地址和籍贯  Address and Native PlaceUnit 4  家庭状况  Status of the FamilyUnit 5  毕业院校和专业  Educational Background and MajorUnit 6  科目及成绩  Subjects and ScoresUnit 7  外语水平  Language SkillsUnit 8  在校表现  Conduct in SchoolUnit 9  工作经验  Work ExperienceUnit 10  业余工作  Part-time JobsUnit 11  工作业绩  Achievements in WorkUnit 12  技能及资格  Skills and Technical QualificationUnit 13  人品与性格  Personality and CharacterUnit 14  兴趣与爱好  Interests and HobbiesUnit 15  工作要求  Requirement of the PositionUnit 16  工作目标  Working TargetUnit 17  离职原因  Reasons for Leaving the Previous PositionUnit 18  求职原因  Reasons for ApplicationUnit 19  薪资待遇  About the SalaryUnit 20  假期与福利  Vacation and BenefitUnit 21  谢绝职务  Refusing the PostUnit 22  应聘成功  Being HiredUnit 23  面试结束  At the End of the InterviewUnit 24  询问结果  Inquiring the ResultChapter 2  直击面试现场  Situational ConversationsUnit 1  秘书文职人员  In the Field of Secretarial WorksUnit 2  经营管理人员  In the Field of ManagementUnit 3  宾馆餐饮服务人员  In the Field of and RestaurantUnit 4  导游  In the Field of TouringUnit 5  媒体从业者  In the Field of MediaUnit 6  医护人员  In the Field of HospitalUnit 7  运输服务人员  In the Field of TransportationUnit 8  工程技术人员  In the Field of Engineering and TechnologyUnit 9  金融财会人员  In the Field of Banking and AccountingUnit 10  营销企划人员  In the Field of MarketingUnit 11  外贸业务人员  In the Field of Foreign TradeUnit 12  信息技术人员  In the Field of ITUnit 13  教育培训人员  In the Field of Education and Training






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