
出版时间:2009-7  出版社:中央编译  作者:卡耐基  页数:244  


  PART ONE Seven Ways to Peace and Happiness,PART TWO Fundamental Techniques in Handling People,PART THREE Ways to Win People to Your Way of Thinking,PART FOUR Ways to Change People Without Giving Offense of Arousing Resentment四个部分的内容。




PART ONE Seven Ways to Peace and Happiness 1 Find Yourself and Be Yourself:Remember, There Is No One Else on Earth like You 2 Four Good Working Habits That Will Help Prevent Fatigue and Worry 3 What Makes You Tired--and What You Can Do About It 4 How to Banish the Boredom That Produces Fatigue,Worry, and Resentment 5 Would You Take a Million Dollars for What You Have? 6 Remember That No One Ever Kicks a Dead Dog 7 Do This--and Criticism Can't Hurt YouPART TWO Fundamental Techniques in Handling People  8 "If You Want to Gather Honey, Don't Kick Over the Beehive" 9  The Big Secret of Dealing with People 10 "He Who Can Do This Has the Whole World with Him. He Who Cannot Walks a Lonely Way" 11  Do This and You'll Be Welcome Anywhere 12  How to Make People Like You InstantlyPART THREE Ways to Win People to Your Way of ThinkingPART FOUR Ways to Change People Without Giving Offense of Arousing Resentment


3. Check yourself four or five times a day, and say toyourself, "Am I making my work harder than itactually is?Am I using muscles that have nothingto do with the work I am doing?" This will helpyou form the habit of relaxing, and as Dr. DavidHarold Fink says, " Among those who knowpsychology best, it is habits two to one. "4. Test yourself again at the end of the day, byasking yourself, "Just how tired am I? If I amtired, it is not because of the mental work I havedone but the way I have done it. " "I measure myaccomplishments," said Daniel W. Josselyn, "notby how tired I am at the end of the day, but howtired I  am  not. "  He  said, " When  I  feelparticularly tired at the end of the day, or whenirritability proves that my nerves are tired, I knowbeyond question that it has been an inefficient dayboth as to quantity  and quality. "  If everybusinessperson in America would learn that samelesson,  our death rate from  " hypertension "diseases would drop overnight. And we would stopfilling up our sanitariums and asylums with peoplewho have been broken by fatigue and worry.






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  •   一个人最重要就是让自己快乐、或许看了卡耐基的快乐人生、対往后的人生有狠大的帮助
  •   这是小开本的英文原版书,书的大小是:787*960mm。字体大小适中,适合学生阅读。书是替别人买的,书的内容不必说了,卡耐基的书,还是很经典的。印刷质量很不错。值得购买。
  •   书有点小,跟mini词汇书那么大吧~~不过挺满意的
  •   good for someone to enjoy life and job
  •   如果读了 人性的缺点 , 那么本书不用看了,内容重复。只有前面一部小部分是新的,剩下的全部copy人性缺点。内容还是不错。
  •   卓越的速度确实还可以,书给人的第一感觉还不错,挺小巧,可以装包里想看就看看,挺喜欢。
  •   书比较小巧,可以放在包里,空闲时候翻看。但是印刷不怎么样。更可恶的是纸裁歪了,正文是斜的。
  •   很简单,想学英语的人,值得购买。
  •   好袖珍的一本书,不好翻阅。
  •   内容很帮,就是非英语的人士读的闹心
  •   文字浅显易懂,很好。
  •   很好的书,也不难懂,想学英语的推荐看
  •   书的质量内容都很好 我喜欢
  •   通过这本书,不仅提高英语水平,还能了解人生道理
  •   是一本好书,可以practice english,还能得到启迪
  •   给孩子买的,希望孩子看后会有收获,但学习太紧张了,至今他也每空翻一翻,但拿到书时孩子的表情告诉我-----喜欢。先给个四分吧,看后再认真评论。
  •   书挺好的,就是没多久前两页就掉了~~
  •   很好。卓越再次让我满意。
  •   书是很小本的,也不厚,没想象那么好~

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