
出版时间:2009  出版社:中央编译出版社  作者:伊索  页数:288  


The Fables of Aesop have became one of the most enduring traditions of European culture,ever since they were first written down nearly two millennia ago. Aesop was reputedly a tonguetied slave who miraculously received the power of speech; from his legendary storytelling came the collections of prose and verse fables scattered throughout Greek and Roman literature. First published in English by Caxton in 1484, the fables and their morals continue to charm modern readers: who does not know the stories of the tortoise and the hare, and the boy who cried Wolf?.


Aesop,famous for his fables,was a slave who lived mid-sixth century BC,in Anciecnt Greece.The place of Aesop's birth was and still is disputed: Thrace,Phrygia,Egypt,Ethiopia,Samos,Athens,Sardis and Amorium all claimed the honor.Little is known about him from credible records,except that he was at one point freed from slavery and that he eventually died in Delphi.In fact,the obscurity shrouding his life has led some scholars tu deny his existence altogether.


The Wolf and the KidThe Tortoise and the DucksThe Boy and the FilbertsThe Youna Crab and His MofherThe Fro qs and the OxThe Dog, the Cock. and the FoxBelling the CatThe Eagle and the JackdawHercules and the WagonerThe Town Mouse and the Country MouseThe Oxen and the WheelsThe Kid and the WolfThe Fox and the GrapesThe Wolf and the CraneThe Ass and His DriverThe Gnat and the BullThe Lion and the MouseThe Shepherd Boy and the WolfThe Bundle of SticksThe Lion and the AssThe Plane TreeThe Farmer and the StorkThe Sheep and the PiaThe Travelers and the PurseThe Frogs Who Wished for a KingThe Owl and the GrasshopperThe Ass Carrying the ImageThe Wolf and His ShadowThe Oak and the ReedsThe Boys and the Froc]sThe Grow and the PitcherThe Ants and the GrasshopperA Raven and a SwanThe Two GoatsThe Ass and the Load of SaltThe Lion and the GnatThe Monkey and the Camel……


The Wolf and the KidHERE was once a little kid whose growing horns made him think he was a grown-upBilly Goat and able to take care of himself.So one evening when the flock started home from the pasture and his mother called, the kid paid no heed and kept right on nibbling the tender grass. A little later when he lifted his head, the flock was gone.He was all alone. The sun was sinking. Long shadows came creeping over the ground. A chilly little wind came creeping with them making scary noises in the grass. The kid shivered as he thought of the terrible wolf. Then he started wildly over the field, bleating for his mother. But not halfway, near a clump of trees, there was the wolf!The kid knew there was little hope for him."Please, Mr. Wolf," he said trembling, "I know you are going to eat me. But first please pipe me a tune, for I want to dance and be merry as long as I can."The wolf liked the idea of a little music before eating, so he struck up a merry tune and the kid leaped and frisked gaily.……




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  •   译文往 往变点味道,还是原版的好,对我家孩子来说,再配原声的MP3就完美了
  •   看原版比翻译得一塌糊涂要好得多,最主要故事短小精悍,既能看懂又能增加词汇量,大大提高了学习英语的兴趣。
  •   纯英文
  •   不错的书,全英文的,儿子现在还有点看不懂,不过我想再过半年他就可以自己看了
  •   文字,插图都很好
  •   正版的书,对英语水平有一定的提高
  •   短短的文章,都是小孩子熟悉的故事,经常念给宝宝听。感觉很不错。
  •   打开书后,发现全是英语没有中文,有点郁闷
  •   包装精美,原汁原味,可以亲子阅读。
  •   买给小宝看还是难了点,不过可以留下来等她大了看
  •   挺好的书,孩子看了很喜欢,短小的故事!
  •   略略翻了下,单词不是很多,故事也很短,适合背诵。很有趣的书。
  •   书的质量很好,印刷也很好,孩子很满意。
  •   经常给宝宝读
  •   名副其实的经典
  •   每天给女儿读读挺好的。
  •   挺好的,遗憾的是没有想象中的大,还以为是大开本的呢
  •   内容简单易懂,并且配有图,适合让中学生阅读。
  •   很不错,比较适合中学生读
  •   买来准备读给小宝宝听的,书的印刷不错,这个价格买到,很值得
  •   给刚上初中的女儿买的,看上去还不错。
  •   这本书质量很好,我很满意!
  •   帮同事买的,很好啊~
  •   当初买《伊索寓言》是因为孩子的语文老师要求的,后来灵机一动,心想如果买英文原版的岂不是一举两得,既避免了翻译版本的不准确,又可以让孩子学习原汁原味的英语,于是就买了这本。当当发货很快,书的质量也很好,印刷精美,插图漂亮,故事短小精炼,不存在太复杂的语法,只需查阅一些生词,孩子看起来并不费劲,每天睡前读1篇,挺好的。
  •   故事简短有趣,还可以学英文;
  •   此书的内容都是英文,没有一句是中文的,挺好。但是要有一些英文基础才能看懂,否则就头痛了……
  •   虽然里面是全英文的,不过篇幅适中(一般一页一个故事)。是启蒙类的英文书籍。推荐使用。
  •   感觉不错,恢恢的插图有点怀旧的感觉。现在每天晚上读一篇给肚子里得宝宝听,希望TA从小就喜欢语言。
  •   对于初中生来说,英语兴趣的培养很重要,加大阅读量,是一种不错的提高方式。
  •   这书挺好的,相对来说比较满意
  •   插画小朋友很喜欢
  •   买错版本了,孩子还看不懂,但纸张很好,留着孩子以后看吧
  •   收到货品外观很脏,一点不像新书。送货人员也没有提前通知送货时间,同事代收的,服务质量下降。

  •   买了之后才发现真是适合小孩子看
  •   内容有少量拼写错误,但是更严重的是装订,这种装订质量实在不能说是书,就是在二手书店也看不到这种质量的书。看不到一个礼拜,书就全裂开了,现在已经往下掉了四五十页,为了先看完,用透明胶贴上,简直恶心。

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