
出版时间:2008-8-1  出版社:中央编译出版社  作者:[美] 梭罗(H.D.Thoreau)  页数:389  字数:260000  


从1845年7月4日到1847年9月6日,梭罗独自生活在瓦尔登湖边,差不多正好两年零两个月。瓦尔登湖不仅为梭罗提供了一个栖身之所,也为他提供了一种独特的精神氛围。    1846年2月,梭罗按计划前去康科德城讲课。梭罗准备了一个“我自己的历史”(The History of Myself)的课题。没想到讲座受到观众的热烈欢迎。在这次讲座的启发下,梭罗将自己的讲课提纲加以整理,又经过了很长一段时间的写作,终于完成了Walden,or Life in Woods(《瓦尔登湖,又名林中生活散记》)这部传世的名著。《瓦尔登湖》出版于1854年,这是19世纪美国文学非小说著作中最受读者欢迎的书籍。目前,此书已出现了两百多个版本,并被译成许多种文字。




1. Economy2. Complemental Verses3. Where I Lived, and What I Lived for4. Reading5. Sounds6. Solitude7. Visitors8. The Beanfield9. The Village10. The Ponds11. Baker Farm12. Higher Laws13. Brute Neighbors14. House-Warming15. Former Inhabitants; and Winter Visitors16. Winter Animals17. The Pond in Winter18. Spring19. Conclusion


版权页:Not long since, a strolling Indian went to sell baskets at thehouse of a well-known lawyer in my neighborhood. "Do youwish to buy any baskets?" he asked. "No, we do not want any,"was the reply. "What!" exclaimed the Indian as he went out thegate, "do you mean to starve us?" Having seen his industriouswhite neighbors so well off  that the lawyer had only to weavearguments, and, by some magic, wealth and standing followed,he had said to himself: I will go into business; I will weavebaskets; it is a thing which I can do. Thinking that when hehad made the baskets he would have done his part, and then itwould be the white man's to buy them. He had not discoveredthat it was necessary for him to make it worth the other's whileto buy them, or at least make him think that it was so, or tomake something else which it would be worth his while to buy.I too had woven a kind of basket of a delicate texture, but I hadnot made it worth any one's while to buy them. Yet not theless, in my case, did I think it worth my while to weave them,and instead of studying how to make it worth men's while tobuy my baskets, I studied rather how to avoid the necessity ofselling them. The life which men praise and regard as successfulis but one kind. Why should we exaggerate any one kind at theexpense of the others?


Ido not to write an ode to dejection but to brag as lustily as chanticleer in the morning,standing on his roost,if only to wake my neighbors up .  ——H.D.Thoreau.


《瓦尔登湖(英文版)》:Walden or, Life in the Woods, published in i854, itdetails Thoreau's experiences over the course of twoyears in a cabin he built near Walden Pond, amidstwoodland owned by his friend and mentor RalphWaldo Emerson, near Concord, Massachusetts.  Simple living and self-sufficiency were Thoreau'sother goals, and the whole project was inspired bytranscendentalist philosophy, a central theme of theAmerican Romantic Period. As Thoreau made clearin his book, his cabin was not in wilderness but at theedge of town, not far from his family home.




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用户评论 (总计40条)


  •   全英文,很不错啊~纸质手感都不错,印刷清晰。内容看不大懂啦~但很美,要细读~
  •   这是一本值得用一生去品味的书在某一个晴朗的午后你可以泡一杯茶,有沐浴着温暖的阳光和温暖的和风来仔细的品读这本书
  •   经典需要慢慢品读。
  •   要心情平静的时候才能体会到书中的感觉
  •   正版,质量很好。就是纸的颜色暗了些
  •   喜欢这本书O(∩_∩)O~
  •   Thisbookshouldberequiredre*****foreveryhighschoolandcollegestudentineveryschoolinourmodernisedsociety.Ournarcissistic,throwaway,gadget-intoxicatedsocietyneedstohearThoreau'smessageaboutthesatisfactiongainedthroughlivingsimply,andaboutthedifferencebetweenwantandneed.Nottomentionhispronouncementthatwedonotownourpossessionsbutareratherownedandenslavedbythem.Andthiseditoniswonderful.Nicegreencover,nicecharators,andit'slight,tipicalEnglishbook,veryeasytoread.Italwayskilledmetoputitdownwhenistartedre*****it.ThepressshouldpublishmoreoriginalEnglishclassics***ethisone.Iamlookingforward!
  •   这本书装帧普通,丝毫也不华丽,但拿在手里感觉不错,纸张不滑,略显粗糙,颜色也暗,但印刷还好,但总体很轻便,如题,很朴素的一本书,不过倒是契合了梭罗自己的观点呢~这本书的内容自然不用说,很美丽……所以——喜欢(*@ο@*)~
  •   还好了,书的质量摸着还算舒服,以这个价格来说还算不错~字体很大看着感觉很轻松,当然了,选择Walden选的是它的内容,外包装过的去就成~
  •   虽然英文不够好,但对照中文译文经典,还是感觉语言清丽条理清晰,不时闪烁着智慧的光芒,喜欢这样慢慢读书,慢慢感受的好心情!书籍封面朴素,包装简单,却是本可以时时拿在手边翻阅的好书。而且,价格相宜!
  •   纸张还可以,但唯一的缺点是字有点小,看着眼痛。这好像是所有英文原著的通病。
  •   不错的床头书,也很适合朗读,对英语学习和英文修养的提高都很有帮助。
  •   很好的一本书,需要时间慢慢品味
  •   送货及时,而且书的质量比想象的好。最主要的是这本书确实是本好书
  •   好,我很满意
  •   书的质量不错,排版OK~~内容上很值得推荐~
  •   感觉:静。
  •   帮同事买的,貌似不错
  •   同系列的书里面,并不是所有书都是轻质纸的。瓦尔登湖、傲慢与偏见、EMMA都是微黄的纸张,书很轻,印刷也很好。其他很多都是白色纸张,书本较重的。但都是正版
  •   印刷的很清晰,字也比较大,读起来很舒服
  •   字小,排版非常有问题,就是两页之间的字隔得好近,书要用力地掰开才可以看得见字。。真难受。。纸也不好。建议不要买这个版本的。
  •   收到封面有褶皱,此书本身装帧不好
  •   貌似买之前看到有的人评论说字体太小,还有什么什么的缺点,感觉像买到了盗版,我买到的却很好啊,印刷精美,图文清晰,绝对正版^o^而且快递师傅也挺热情的啊,再赞一个^o^支持卓越!
  •   从来没在卓越买过这么差的书,乍看没什么问题,仔细看其中的纸张,印刷很有问题,有些纸张上的字印到了另一页纸上,导致看不清该页的字,请甚买!
  •   物超所值~在网上看到这本书的内容是由原版再编辑的,所以没有那么厚重,但是质量不错。里面的单词也不是那种晦涩难懂的生僻字。值得一读
  •   买了四本书,这一本最便宜却是我最喜欢的,十分别致。。。
  •   书很厚,而且便宜!奖一个
  •   版本还行,关键文字优美
  •   还没看的,但是印刷和装订很好
  •   和英文mp3配套买的,觉得有声书和这个英文版都很不错。
  •   书纸张不错,字体大小也可以,不过内容还没看哦
  •   软皮易于保存~~书的大小也刚好,翻阅起来挺舒服的~~纸质偏黄适合阅读~字体大小也合宜~~十块钱买这本书挺好的了~
  •   内容和质量都很好,就是手感不是特别好。
  •   小孩很喜欢看,是一个不错的书
  •   挺喜欢的,就是纸质太一般 ,不过也对得起这个价格。
  •   想要像他一样生活,可是现实有种种制约,只有看看书想象下吧。质量很好,请无视那些差评。。。。
  •   经典名著,质量没的说
  •   还行吧···帮同学买的
  •   书很不错,是正版的哦,略有瑕疵
  •   之前忙,忘记评价了,补一个

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