
出版时间:2008-8  出版社:中央编译  作者:理查德·伯顿  页数:584  字数:720000  




IntroductionKing Shahryar and His BrotherThe Fisherman and the JinniThe Porter and the Three Ladies of BaghdadThe Tale of the Three ApplesTale of Ghanim bin Ayyub, the Distraught,the Thrall o'LoveThe HermitsHatim of the Tribe of TayyTale of Ma'an Son of Zaidah and the BadawiThe City of Many-columned Iram and Abdullah Son of Abi KilabahThe Sweep and the Noble LadyAli the PersianThe Man Who Stole the Dish of Gold Wherein the Dog AteThe Ruined Man Who Became Rich Again Through a DreamThe Ebony HorseThe Angel of Death with the Proud King and theDevout ManSindbad the Seaman and Sindbad the LandsmanThe City of BrassThe Lady and Her Five SuitorsJudar and His BrethrenJulnar the Sea-born and Her Son King Badr Basim of PersiaKhalifah the Fisherman of BaghdadAbu Kir the Dyer and Abu Sir the BarberAlaeddin; or, the Wonderful LampAli Baba and the forty ThievesMa'aruf the Cobbler and His Wife FatimahConclusion


  ~Who told the stories first, or in what tongue, we cannot surely say. When, from 1704 to 1712, Antoine Galland rubbed his translator's magic lamp, and spilled out the gold of the Mille et une Nuits before the delighted eyes of Europe, he hazarded the opinion that the Nights had come to Arabia from India, by way of Persia; but a hundred years later scholars were still arguing the respective claims of those three countries to the stories, and even now, another hundred years later, the end is not yet. Some authorities follow Galland back to India; others, like Burton, would stop at Persia; still others insist that the majority of the tales are Arabian in substance as in form. And questions of date remain equally unsettled. When were the earliest of the stories written? When were the latest? And when did the whole collection, known to Arabian readers as Kitab AlfLaylah wa Laylah, and to English readers as The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, or, more briefly and commonly, The Arabian Nights, take on its present form? Should thecompilation of immortal yarns spun by Shahrazad be assigned, assome would have it, to the thirteenth century, or, as others would haveit, to the fifteenth? Is it, indeed, a compilation, or the work of a single author?  Important though these questions may be, there is no reason to give space here to the various and lengthy arguments they have evoked, but it is only fitting that Sir Richard Burton, in his privileged role of translator of the Nights now spread before us, should be allowed to have his say; and if his word is not the last word, it is one that has not yet been discredited. He writes, in the Terminal Essay with which he closes his great translation:  "To conclude: From the data above given I hold myself justified in drawing the following deductions: ——  1. The framework of the book is purely Persian perfunctorily arabised; the arch-type being the Hazer Afsanah.  2. The oldest tales, such as Sindbad(the Seven Wazirs)and King Jil'~~d, may date from the reign of A1-Mansur, eighth century A. D.  3. The thirteenth tales mentioned as the nucleus of the Repertory, together with' Dalilah the Crafty, ' may be placed in our tenth century.~  ……




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  •   虽然刚收到货,但还是忍不住来赞一个。呵呵,翻开来是密密麻麻的英文,就这一点让我感到十分有感觉。不过估计以我看书的乌龟速度,也许要一年才能完整读完了。加油加油!!
  •   比预期的厚很多,没想象中那么好懂,毕竟是传说类的,蛮多生词的~~
  •   书蛮厚的,全英文的,挺好的,可以慢慢读,锻炼英语呀~
  •   很小的时候就读这本书了,我读的还是那种大部头,当时翻译过来还是比较原汁原味的。很吸引。所以印象深刻。记得小时候看是晚上偷偷钻在被窝里看。那种感觉是无法言喻。。拿到书,很兴奋。书也很整齐,很厚实。总之就算是拿着这本书都是一种情怀。找回了童年的感觉。呵呵。特意买了英文版,有空在家里翻翻英文字典,体味一下原汁原味版本的童话。很有趣。
  •   但书皮不太干净,不过还不错了,满意,内容回去慢慢读,以后再进行评价吧
  •   书本封面有破损。全英版,可以慢慢读
  •   快递速度很快,服务很好,书质量不错
  •   看看还行,特别是复杂的社会,看看幼稚的书反而快乐
  •   又能学英语,又能看上这么好的书!真幸福!
  •   很不错的书哦~~
  •   期待能一目十行的看懂得那天~
  •   很久前朋友书看的,很不错,买本收藏。
  •   一千零一夜小时候就看过,买了英文版算是既重温童年看过的故事,又学习英文,不过觉得内容简单,适合英文水平一般的人阅读
  •   本来想是一本比较容易看懂的,结果难懂的单词好多,英语用法挺古的。全书是整篇整篇的字,没什么插图。看完估计是挺练阅读的。如果能读懂,故事情节还是很神奇精彩的。
  •   很好听的故事,也是练习英文的好材料
  •   图片有点少,整页整页密密麻麻全是英文,一不小心不知道自己看到哪里了。总体来说还是不错的,对练习英语很有帮助。
  •   书很厚,加上咱们的阅读速度普遍不快.估计要读个大半年吧.字体还算大.书中无注解或提示.适合四级水平.为了读得顺利,还是得有本电子字典.
  •   印刷质量还可以,字体也不小
  •   包装一点都不像新的自己看的话就还行
  •   很权威的杨子。就是有的文章真的是一段到底。不知道为什么这样。书很大,字很大,很气派。
  •   送货比较快,书不错。但是发票是否可以按照要求的开
  •   书很好但是无关紧要的地方有一点点破损无事的书非常好!
  •   还好,只是对封面的颜色有点失望,颜色有些暗,总体不如同一出版社的《傲慢与偏见》来得好
  •   感觉字比较小,看起来有点费劲
  •   故事每个都太长了,看不下来,很难!
  •   从封面来看,这本书给人的印象是很不错的。不过,翻开封面,进入正文就让人晕得不行。额的神啊!!!密密麻麻的都是字母,不分段落,真够头疼的!一个故事一个段落,晕!撇开这点的话,其实其它的都慢合我意的,遗憾,;-)
  •   看上去就知道是很旧的了,有褶皱,纸张泛黄,不过还好吧
  •   当当的速度很快。并且书的质量不错,崭新的。我很满意。
  •   书的纸质量不好,字体没段落,没有录音!
  •   翻译还行
  •   晕死这本书真没劲能读到死

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