
出版时间:2006-7  出版社:中央编译  作者:卡耐基  页数:319  


这是一本可以改变你命运的书,《人性的弱点》在世界各地至少已译成58种文字,全球总销量已达1.5亿余册,拥有4亿读者,除《圣经》之外,无出其右者。   《人性的弱点》是名副其实的“人际关系学”培训第一品牌书,被全世界各类企业、网络营销公司、保险公司等各种机构作为培训必读书。    雄心万丈的青年企业家、业务员、家庭主妇、学者、热恋爱的情侣......不管你是什么人,这都是一本让你惊喜,使你思想更成熟、举止更稳重的好书。我们相信这是一本可以改变你命运的书。




Eight Things This Book Will Help You AchievePreface to Revised EditionHow This Book Was Written-And Why By Dale CarnegieNine Suggestions on How to Get the Most out of This BookPart 1 Fundamental Techniques In Handling People  1 "If You Wand to Gather Honey, Don't Kick over the Beehive"  2 The Big Secret of Dealing with People  3 "He Who Can Do This the Whole Word with Him. He Who Cannot Walks a Lonely Way"  In a NutshellPart 2 Six Ways to Make People Like You  1 Do This and You'll Be Welcome Anywhere  2 A Simple Way to Make a Good First Impression  3 If You Don't Do This, You Are Headed for Trouble  4 An Easy Way to Become a Good Conversationalist  5 How to Interest People  6 How To Make People Like You Instantly  In A NutshellPart 3 Twelve Ways to Win People to Your Way of Thinking  1 You Can't Win an Argument  2 A Sure Way of Making Enemies-and How to Avoid It   3 If You're Wrong, Admit It   4 A prop of Honey  5 The Secret of Socrates  6 The Safety Valve in Handling Complaints  7 How to Get Co-operation  8 A Formula That Will Work Wonders for You  9 What Everybody Wants  10 An Appeal That Everybody Likes  11 The Movies Do It. TV Does It. Why Don't You Do It?  12 When Nothing Else Works, Try This  In a NutshellPart 4 Nine Way To Change People without Giving Offence Or Arousing Restment  1 If You Must Find Fault, This is the Way to Begin  2 How to Criticize-and Not Be Hated for It  3 Talk about Your Own Mistakes First  4 No One Likes to Take Orders  5 Let the Other man Save Face  6 How to Spur People on to Success……Part 5 Letters That Produced Miraculous ResultsPart 6 Seven Rules for Making Your Home Life Happier


  Nine Suggestions on How toGet the Most out of This Book  1.If you wish to get the most out of this book,there is one indispensable requirement,one essentialinfmitely more important than any rule or technique.Unless you have this one fundamental requisite,athousand rules on how to study will avail little.And ifyou do have this cardmal endowment,then you canachieve wonders without read:ing any suggestions forgetting the most out of a book.  What is tbis magic requirement?Just this:a deep,driving desire to learn,a vigorous determination to increase your ability to deal with people.  How can you develop such an urge? By constantlyreminding yourself how important these principles are to you.Picture to yourself how their mastery will aid you mleading a richer,fuller,happier and more fulfrlling life.Say to yourself over and over:“My popularity,myhappiness and sense of worth depend to no small extentupon my skill in dealing with peoplel”  2.Read each chapter rapidly at first to get a bird's- eye view ofit.You will probably be tempted then to rushon to the next one.But don't-unless you are readingmerely for entertainment.But if you are reading becauseyou want to increase your skill in human relations,thengo back and reread each chapter thoroughly.In the longrun,this will mean saving time and getting results.  3.Stop frequently in your reading to think over what you are reading.Ask yourself just how and when you can apply each suggestion.  4.Read with a crayon,pencil,pen,magic marker or highlighter in your hand.When you come across a suggestion that you feel you can use,draw a line beside it.If it is a four-star suggestion,then underscore every sentence or highlight it,or mark it with“* * * * .”Marking and underscoring a book makes it more interesting,and far easier to review rapidly.  5.I knew a woman who had been office manager for a large insurance concern for fifteen years.Every month,she read all the insurance contracts her company had issued that month.Yes,she read many of the samecontracts over month after month,year after year.Why? Because experience had taught her that that was the only way she could keep their provisions clearly in mind.  I once spent almost two years writing a book on public speaking and yet I found I had to keep going back over it from time to time in order to remember what I had written in my own book.The rapidity with which we forget is astonishing.  So,if you want to get a real,lasting benefit out of this book,don't imagine that skimming through it once will suffice.After reading it thoroughly,you ought to spend a few hours reviewing it every month.Keep it on your desk in front of you every day.Glance through it often.Keep constantly impressing yourself with the rich possibilities for improvement that still lie in the offmg.Remember that the use of these principles can be made habitual only by a constant and vigorous campaign ofreview and application.There is no other way.  6.Bernard Shaw once remarked:“If you teach aman anything,he will never learn.”Shaw was right.Learning is an active process.We learn by doing.So,if you desire to master the principles you are studying in this book,do someth:ing about them.Apply these rules atevery opportunity.If you don't you will forget them quickly.Only knowledge that is used sticks in your mind.  You will probably fmd it difficuk to apply thesesuggestions all the time.I know because I wrote thebook,and yet frequently I found it difficuk to applyeverything I advocated.For example,when you aredispleased,it is much easier to criticize and condemnthan it is to try to understand the other person's viewpoint.It is frequently easier to fmd fauk than to fm.dpraise.It is more natural to talk about what you wantthan to talk about what the other person wants.And soon,So,as you read this book,remember that you are notmerely trying to acquire information.You are attemptingto form new habits.Ah yes,you are attempting a newway of life.That will require time and persistence anddaily application.So refer to these pages often.Regard this as aworking handbook on human relations;and wheneveryou are confronted with some specific problem-such ashandling a child,winning your spouse to your way of,thinking,or satisfying an irritated customer-hesitateabout doing the natural thing,the impulswe thmg.This isusually wrong.Instead,turn to these pages and reviewthe paragraphs you have underscored.Then try thesenew ways and watch them achieve magic for you.  7.Offer your spouse,your child or some businessassociate a dime or a dollar every time he or she catchesyou violating a certain principle.Make a lively game outof mastering these rules.  8.The president of an important Wall Street bankonce described,m a talk before one of my classes,ahighly efficient system he used for self-improvement.This man had little formal schooling; yet he had become one of the most important fmanciers in America,and heconfessed that he owed most of his success to theconstant application of his homemade system.This is what he does,I'll put it in his own words as accuratelyas I can remember."For years I have kept an engagement bookshowing all the appointments I had during the day.Myfamily never made any plans for me on Saturday night,for the family knew that I devoted a part of eachSaturday evening to the illuminating process of self-examination and review and appraisal.After dinner I wentoff by myself,opened my engagement book,and thoughtover all the interviews,discussions and meetings that hadtaken place during the week.I asked myself:' What mistakes did I make that time?' ' What did Ido that was right-and in what way could I haveimproved my performance?'  'What lessons can I learn from that experience?'“I often found that this weekly review made mevery unhappy.I was frequently astonished at my ownblunders.Of course,as the years passed,these blundersbecame less frequent.Sometimes I was inclined to patmyself on the back a little after one of these sessions.”  ……






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  •   图书馆看到这本书,觉得很好,所以把《人性的弱点》和《人性的优点》一起买下。中央编译局的这套书,开本较小,携带方便,而且是英文原版,所以觉得没必要买包装封皮太华丽的书,这套书性价比高。 另外,发现当当现在比亚马逊好,同一本书会有更多出版社、不同版本供选择,而且质量也好!
  •   一生和人打交道,有时候真的很困惑。这本书既可以帮我学习英文,更可以以西方的智慧,助我了解人性,这样对今后与人交往一定很有帮助。
  •   读了好几遍,每一部似乎都有着不同的收获,再锻炼英语阅读能力的同时,似乎也看穿了人性本质
  •   这本书到手上,我等了一周多的时间。收到的时候,还是很开心的,因为感觉书很不错,是小小的袖珍版,可以放在包包,随身携带,方便阅读。里面的字都比较大,很容易看。卡耐基的书,富有哲理,给人指引。
  •   英文原版的小说一般都很悦目,比较小巧,方便携带,书本身就更好啦~值得一读~
  •   英文原版,便宜,纸张不太好啊
  •   英文原版,是我想要的
  •   美丽的英文原版
  •   中学时代看的中文小册子,现在再看英文原版,更有味道。
  •   卡耐基的书令人读后茅塞顿开。
  •   不错 不过卡耐基的那本书有点问题,大家注意,但不影响阅读。
  •   刚收到,还没仔细看,对自己的英文肯定有所提高,也能从里面学到很多,还比较满意
  •   好书,练习英文也很好
  •   一本可以改变你命运的书
  •   总认为现在很多翻译的国外书籍总是失去了原作者的表达意境,还是原版书好,单词通俗,很容易看懂
  •   可以提高自己的英文水平,呵呵
  •   比较通俗易懂,既学了英文,又长了情商,好极了!
  •   看完中文再回头看看原版,感觉很好哟,而且书很小,方便携带
  •   好书啊好书,可惜我是个门外汉,只觉得好,像看到好吃的菜自己吃不到!建议有点基础的人看看
  •   不仅能学习英语,保证英语水平不下滑。同时能学习新的人生知识,有时候人会钻牛角尖或走进死胡同,读一读书,能让人感到,海阔天高,有啥想不开的呢?这是一本值得读的书!
  •   不错,原版。
  •   建议每个人都看看这本书。
  •   比中文的看得有意思(很多人都嫌中文版太弱了)这个有的地方看不懂,还能耐人寻味点
  •   挺喜欢的,也不贵,送人自用都好
  •   6月份购买商品理应获得价值10元钱的礼券,没有收到,由于太忙也没有时间直接和你们联系,现在发现我的当当栏处说我的礼券已过期,我都没有收到,何来过期之说啊!谢谢回复
  •   很经典的书!可以提高英语又学到道理~~~~很不错!
  •   一本相当好的书我买了一本中文版的书,读了三个章节,然后买了这本英文版的~~~不错,感觉相当不错的推荐大家都去买一本还能提高英语水平,生词量也不是太大哈~~~
  •   不必多说,原汁原味的大师杰作!只可恨当年引进这书的译者,把《如何交朋友和影响他人》这么贴近人心的朴实名字却被翻译得仿佛有些居心叵测的邪恶动机,商业化的噱头啊,中国读者受害匪浅……
  •   推荐购买,一定会有收获。
  •   不错啦,比想象中的好,告诉自己一定要有耐心看完。。。练英语,长知识~
  •   质量还不错,对学习英语很有帮助,好书
  •   好书,用来学英语很好
  •   才淘到的书 感觉很好 赞
  •   书比较小巧,内容还没看
  •   书很不错就是比我想的本子小了点
  •   书很好,很适合学英语
  •   传说中的经典,一本值得去读的书。
  •   经典之作而且要经常温习,书上也是这么教的
  •   正在读,书不离手。虽然经过了很多年,但还是很值得看
  •   买来作为锻炼英语能力的材料 ,顺带边学习下知识。
  •   既能学到东西,又能提高英语水平,不错。
  •   我有一本中文版的,对照着看,又能提高英语,真爽!
  •   比想象中的小好多。。不过不影响阅读
  •   很经典的一本书,不错!
  •   非常不错的一本书,对为人处事很有帮助!
  •   这本书,都会通过一些事情,真正的去揭示"howtowinfriendsandinfluncepeople",值得一看,值得你去思考^
  •   1.看过中文版,受益匪浅,才决定看英文版的!2.英文版简单易懂,一般大学生都能看懂吧!3.这个版本质量还不错。很推荐大家看到一本书,就算不看英文版,也要看中文版!!!
  •   还好,有那么点道理
  •   还没有读,肯定会很不错的
  •   英文版值得多读几遍 毕业生深有体会
  •   今天刚收到 慢慢品味
  •   希望可以读下去
  •   还没有看但是质量不错,喜欢,印刷没有问题。
  •   原滋原味的细读,跟读中文版感觉不一样。天天坐地铁时读,携带方便。
  •   很小巧 携带挺方便的
  •   携带方便。。。也比较简单
  •   恨了很長一段時間了。感覺很不錯。。值得購入+收藏
  •   携带方便纸张印刷清晰
  •   非常好,非常经典。读后受益匪浅。
  •   ItisworththemoneyIspentonit.
  •   读起来很有质感
  •   cool,ilikeit.itisrareandpreciousbook.worthreading
  •   既可以学英语,又能学处世。
  •   对于为人处事方面很有帮助,可以对照中文看看,既可以提升自己的英语水平,又可以学到很多东西,值得一看!
  •   ThisbookishelpfultothosepeoplewhowanttoimprovetheirEnglish.Andalso,youcanlearntheskilltodealwithotherpeople.Recently,Iammakingeffortstochangemyself.Ifyoureadthisbook,youwilltrytobearthosedehortationinmindjustlikeme.Afterreadingtwochaptersofthisbook,Iboughtotherbookofthesameserise-TheQuick&EasyWaytoEffectiveSpeaking.Ipromise,thisbookisworthreadingagainandagain.
  •   ok很赞
  •   很快捷,不错,值得推荐!!
  •   CoolbutCheap,thatisgoodforeveryone!
  •   thisbookisverygoodilikeitverymuchitisworthreading
  •   《人性的弱点》是名副其实的“人际关系学”培训第一品牌书,被全世界各类企业、网络营销公司、保险公司等各种机构作为培训必读书。雄心万丈的青年企业家、业务员、家庭主妇、学者、热恋爱的情侣......不管你是什么人,这都是一本让你惊喜,使你思想更成熟、举止更稳重的好书。我们相信这是一本可以改变你命运的书。
  •   这是我第一本从头到尾看完的英文原版书,很不错,中文名叫人性的弱点似乎不太合适,应当叫如何为人处世差不多。语言比较浅显易懂,而且卡耐基似乎有一种强大的号召力,值得一看。虽然其中不少道理大家都早已知道,但再看一遍也无妨!
  •   一气儿把这个系列的买了3本,唯独这本有印刷问题,让我很是气愤,结果却是无奈~但重点还是放在了书的内容上,以前看英文原版书翻不了几页就看不下去了,这是头一次在看的过程中觉得自己能继续下去,语言确实比较平实,还挺幽默,更不失文采,很容易吸引人;再就是书中提到的那些tips,看的时候仔细想,还真的挺有帮助的~
  •   可以沉淀一些宽容待人的品格,是在浮华的今天能静心去看得一本书。虽然一些事例离我们很远,但其中体现的人性却是恒久不变的。
  •   卡耐基的东西需要思考,这本书全英的,看也是一份耐心,对于我这英语马马虎虎得人,呵呵
  •   该书本身让你去了解做人的真谛,甚至是做一个成功人的真谛,另外此书也是学习英语的好材料。
  •   看过中文的,这次想看一下英文原版的,顺便联系一下英语
  •   工作了,本着加强英语水平和提高人际交往能力,买的这本书。不错,书比较小巧,适合随身带着,旅途中看。
  •   本人英文不好,朋友很强啊!
  •   朴素但却实际有用的道理,适合所有读者;简单流畅的语言,适合中级水平英语学习者当作英文学习阅读书。不会因为生词量过大而产生强烈的挫败感。推荐。
  •   蛮好的,看看长见识,锻炼英文,其实买来看着便宜,顺便锻炼阅读能力
  •   算是卡耐基的经典之作吧,不过一本书被拆成了好几部分出版,倒是方便选择自己感兴趣的部分,还算不错吧,小小巧巧的一本,很方便携带~
  •   这本书真可谓是卡耐基的经典之作啊
  •   卡耐基我佩服你
  •   全英文,适合英语专业学习者,纸张也不错呀,正在阅读中。。。。
  •   可以作为消遣时随手翻阅的英文书籍,也便于携带。
  •   使人看起来很愉悦,但是纸张真的不敢恭维,让别人看起来好像是盗版的一样,但是内容还可以,因为以前就看过,想珍藏,现在失望了好多~~
  •   比普通32开本的书窄一点,纸质一般,排版有些密集,不适合作为小礼物送人。
  •   这可以说是一本经验凝聚的图书,当我在人生的低潮期,看到了它,我振奋了起来.通过对这些文字的细细品味,要知道,那是一种感同身受,是一种心灵鸡汤.希望当当网继续出售.
  •   读了本书感觉挺好的对我自己本身来说在英语上是一个很大的提高,以后还会多支持当当网会经常在当当网上买书的
  •   还没看完呢,因为是英语的嘛。不过还是看原著的好。哈~~~~书是很轻那种纸,很好。
  •   书看起来很不错 但是实物看起来和图片不是很一样 老师介绍的 相信很好看
  •   有用,但一定要耐心读完
  •   书的纸张不是很舒服,不过小本书,方便携带!内容不错,学习英语可以,同时还可以育人。但是对于要收藏的朋友来说不是很好,因为是小开的书,纸张有点旧的感觉。
  •   没有想到书不是标准的32开的,可以说是袖珍便携式的,所以感觉有点贵。希望当当以后能够在书的开本上作详细的注明。不过书还是不错,印刷和排版都还不错。小本的更容易携带。这本书本来也是打算常带在身边的,有空就看一点,就像调节心情的音乐一样。看了一遍又一遍,不是为了真正的内容,而是那种让人平和的感觉。。。。很好
  •   的确很不错,很值得看的一部好书。
  •   主要是买来练习英语的。没想到书这么小。另外,当时的活动是满100送100啊,没有收到礼券啊
  •   书的封面比较好,不过里面的纸张就不是那么令人满意了
  •   书很好,就是邮的速度太慢了,一周都没到
  •   内容还好,就是书的规格比正常书要小一点
  •   还不错,不过书比想象的小

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