出版时间:2006-7-1 出版社:中央编译出版社 作者:柄谷行人 页数:244 字数:152000 译者:中田友美
在黑格尔主义终结的历史时刻,我们终于第一次迎来了“可以阅读”马克思的时代。 因为,只有卡尔•马克思才是黑格尔所谓“历史的终结”之后的思想家。 本书是一部开拓了当代世界思想界新天地的惊世骇俗之作。 在这个差异性和外部性纷纷解体的“全球化”时代,柄古行人通过对马克思价值形态论中“尚未被思考的”方面的解读,发现了马克思思想中“可能性的中心”。 本书作者是通过解读马克思文本而恢复马克思本来面貌的思想先驱。
Kojin Karatani was born in Amagasaki city between Osaka and Kobe in 1941.
He received his B.A. in economics and M.A. in English literature, both from Tokyo University.
Awarded the Gunzo Literary Prize at the age of 27 for an essay on Natsume Soseki, he began working actively as a literary critic, while teaching at Hosei University in Tokyo.
In 1975 he was invited to Yale University to teach Japanese literature as a visiting professor, where he became acquainted with Yale critics such as Paul de Man and Fredric Jameson.
In the 1980s, he devoted himself to abstract problems concerning "language, number, money", while at the same time committing himself to the political situation by editing the quarterly journal 'Critical Space' with Akira Asada. 'Critical Space' was the most influential intellectual media in Japan until it folded in 2002.
From 1990 onward, Karatani has taught regularly at Columbia University. He was also a regular member of ANY, the international architects' conference which was held annually for the last decade of the 20th century.
In 2006, Karatani has retired from teaching in Japan.
Major books:
Origins of Modern Japanese Literature, Duke University Press,1993
Architecture as Metaphor; Language, Number, Money, MIT Press,1995
Transcritique: On Kant and Marx, MIT Press, 2003
Man in Awe, Tojusha, 1972
Meaning as Illness, Kawadeshobo, 1975
Marx: The Center of Possibilities, Kodansha, 1978
Origins of Modern Japanese literature, Kodansha, 1980
Architecture as Metaphor, Kodansha, 1983
Introspection and Retrospection, Kodansha,1984
Postmodernism and Criticism, Fukutake, 1985
Philosophical Inquiry 1, Kodansha, 1986
Language and Tragedy, Daisanbunmeisha, 1989
Philosophical Inquiry 2, Kodansha,1989
On the 'End', Fukutake, 1990
Collected Essays on Soseki, Daisanbumeisha, 1992
Materialism as Humor, Chikumashobo, 1993
Thoughts before the war, Bungeishunjusha, 1994
Sakaguchi Ango and Nakagami Kenji, Ohta Press, 1996
Ethics 21, Heibonsha, 2000
Transcritique: On Kant and Marx, Hihyokukansha, 2001
Ⅰ 马克思,其可能性的中心 序章 第一章 第二章 第三章 第四章 第五章 第六章 终章Ⅱ 有关历史的问题——哀悼武田泰淳Ⅲ 有关阶级的问题——地底的世界•夏目漱石试论(一)Ⅳ 有关文学的问题——漱石和文学•夏目漱石试论(二)1978年版本后记致学术文库版后记译者后译
四 凡是探讨价值的,无不都碰到一个问题:某种两个素不相同的东西凭什么根据变成等价的?而这个问题不仅是经济学的问题,还包含着有关价值一般的普遍问题。 尼采说:“比如说‘内疚(Schuld)’,这非常道德化的主要概念,其实由来于叫做‘负债(Schulden)’之极为物质化的概念”。尼采不同于任何道德主义者——他们要么断片地,要么系统地考察感情的诸形态——,尼采则从道德意识形态那里发现了债权和债务之间的“关系”。陀思妥耶夫斯基的作品人物说:“我为什么恨他?因为他对我很好,可我却对他做出了那样狠毒的事”。这和还不起债的人埋怨债主的道理没什么两样。就是说,罪的意识和债务感相同,而憎恶则是其否定表现,这是尼采的看法。 不过更加重要的是,尼采就从这种债权一债务关系的底层那里还发现了一种颠倒力量——即把完全异质的东西变为等价物的颠倒力量。比如,“人皆平等”之思想,就意味着种种异质的人们均为等价。我们对此的反应是:要么以为自明而接受,要么在“自然”的名义下予以否定。而尼采的考察之所以杰出,因为他不问等价还是不等价,而是从“何谓等价”这一根本性问题出发。与尼采相比,如卢梭和M。萨德等思想家,都不过把自然和社会抽象地对立起来思考而已,他们可错过了最为关键的问题。 ……