出版时间:2005-10 出版社:中国环境科学出版社 作者:卢琦 编 页数:279
Many rural people are currently operating on a much lower level than their production potential,given the available technology and possibilities of generating new technologies suited to their needs.To close this gap between the actual and potential improvements in the traditional factors of production—land,labor capital and entrepreneurship but also to the qualitative factors,of which educatiOn/lraining is the most important. People in rural areas have an innate wisdom and knowledge concerning the environment in which they are intimately familiar.When matched to careful external assistance and technology transfer,this indigenous intelligence can result in better outcomes.Technology transfer is important and many rural communities can benefit from learning about success-ful and innovative approaches developed elsewhere. Successful approaches that have low recurrent cost and lead to self-supported,self-propelled and self-sustained rural development have been demonstrated in a number of places in the Asia-Pacific region.Successful measures and‘pack- ages’have been become known as‘best practice’approaches. "Best practices shouldbeactivelypromotedandarticulatedthroughtheCSTl anditsgroupofexperts,nationalcoordina-tion bodies,the media,allkinds ofinformationplatforms,andthematicprogramme networks,highlighting thesepractices as points of referencd’(paragraph 1 62,ICCD/CRIC(1)10) This book outlines some best practice approaches and explores their application for replication elsewhere.The egional case studies highlighted in this publication capture valuable local knowledge,traditional practices and technical innovations;the publication is in response to the concrete recommendations contained in the Report of the First Session of the Committee for the Review of CCD。Implementation,held in Novenmber 2002 in Rome. The development of low·cost,farmer/herder-based research/extension systems with a problem-solving orientation,based on land user’S own perception of their needs has emerged as part of best practice approaches.Participating land users not only define the problems requiring attention,including non-technical ones,but are active in the selection,application and evaluation of the solutions devised.The crucial linkage required between research results and extension application is provided by the farmers and herders themselves.They participate directly in“on farm research”and share their finding with other land users.Establishing the resource-poor land user as the linch-pin of the research/extension process has the additional advantage of combining the best in the traditional ecological knowledge of the rural resident with new technolo-gies and practices being developed by scientists and technicians.This effort to internalize what has been an essentially externally-oriented system is only possible through education/training of both land users and local government officials and technicians and through a participatory approach.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSList of ContributorsPrefaceVOLUME 1 REGIONAL REVIEW OF THE STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF UNCCD IN AND THE PACIFIC Chapter1 Overview of National Efforts in Selected Countries and regional initiatives in Asia and the Pacific 1 Introduction 2 Background in Brief 3 Policies,Priorities and Issues 4 Synergy and Linkage Between UN Agencies and Their Regional Offices in Bangkok 5 Primary Initiatives to Combat Desertification in Asia and Pacific 6 Contradiction Between Short-term Growth and Long-term Development 7 Poverty and Less Social Participation 8 Shortage of Financial Resource 9 Natural Constraints 10 Recommendation on The Institutional Building for Implementing thg RAP 11 Demonstration and Pre-implementation of the Thematic Programme 12 Conclusion Chapter 2 Asian RAP and Priority Activities for Implementing the Regional Action Programme for UNCCD in 2003-2008 1 Introduction 2 Regional Action Programme for Asia:An Analytical Overview of Implementation During 1997-2003 3 Priority Activities for the Regional Action Programme in 2003-2008 4 Means of Implementation of Priority Activities for the Regional Action Programme in 2003-2008 5 Reporting and Review MechanismsVOLUME2 BEST PRACTICES FOR COMBATING DESERTIFICATION IN SELECTED COUNTRIES IN ASIA AND THE PACIFIC Chapter 3 Prologue 1 Socio-cultural Factors 2 Non Fiscal Incentives;Land and Water Use Rights 3 Financial Incentives , Grants and Market Based Instruments 4 Monitoring and Modeling Land and Water Degradation 5 ConclusionsPART 1 Australian case studiesPART 2 China’s approaches to desertification controlPART 3 Case Studies from China:techniques for special situationsPART 4 Case Studies from China::Sandy land rehabilitationPART 5 Case studies from Mongolia PART 6 Case Studies from Thailand and Vietnam