
出版时间:2009-1  出版社:华语教学出版社  作者:吉暐 编  页数:139  


In terms of cuisine, there is a considerable difference between Chi-na and the West. Chinese cuisine can be much more individualizedand impulsive than Western cuisine. Although there are recipes tofollow, cooks frequently adjust the seasonings and even ingredientsthey use, according to the preferences and wishes of their custom-ers, which makes each dish creatively unique. Take the cold dishFlavored Cucumber as an example. The flavor of this simple, colddish differs from place to place, depending on local tastes. Peoplein Shanxi Province (in North China) like vinegar, so they will addmore vinegar to the dish; people in Sichuan Province (in southernChina) prefer spicy foods, so naturally they will prepare this dishwith more chilies; people in Jiangsu Province (in eastern China) en-joy sweet foods, and therefore sugar will be the seasoning of choicefor this dish. Though the style of cuisine may vary from place toplace, the pursuit of taste remains the main aim of every region.


This book presents you with 69 easy recipes for famous, home-style Chinese dishes. Each recipe is accompanied by cultural tips, and some beginners' Chinese to show you more of China. Out of these recipes you can create a Chinese feast, or simply add some Chinese flavor to your dinner table just by following these directions.  The carefully selected tips invite you to savor the taste of Chinese culture. From the philosophy behind Chinese cooking, the symbolic meanings of certain dishes, to table manners, your knowledge of China may start from your kitchen. What's more, learning the common expressions used for food and dining in this way makes learning Chinese easy and fun!


豆腐、凉菜 炝拌黄豆芽 凉拌木耳 椒香海带丝 爽口芹菜卷  赛香瓜  拌黄瓜 凉拌白菜 海苔豆腐 麻婆豆腐 肉末豆腐 炸豆腐 甜酸豆腐蔬菜 蒜香荷兰豆 干煸圆白菜  干煸豆角 鸡蛋西红柿 肉末烧茄子  蒜蓉豇豆  香菇油菜  松仁玉米 酱汁炒鲜蘑 鸡肉香菇烩什锦  珊瑚白菜  炒四蔬  蚝油生菜 地三鲜禽蛋  芙蓉蛋 芦笋蛋饼 宫保鸡丁 辣子鸡丁 椒盐鸡翅 腰果鸡丁……肉类海鲜汤、甜点、主食







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用户评论 (总计31条)


  •   一个爱吃宫保鸡丁的老外。
  •   打算送客户的,希望客人喜欢。
  •   送给外国朋友的,很喜欢
  •   是送外国朋友的。
  •   刚好外国朋友遇上点菜等麻烦,这本书有中英文,意外的是居然还有必要的拼音以及穿插的学习汉语的常用语句。价格也合理,不像英文书都要近百块。就是纸质有点小瑕疵。不过整体很棒~~马上加单了!~
  •   送给外国友人的礼物
  •   这书很适合老外用,既有图片又有制作过程,无论是学习中文还是外出点菜,都很实用
  •   好呀,送货快
  •   送给外国朋友的
  •   一看是汉英版的,特别激动地买了,因为里面讲的几乎都是家常菜,觉得很实用。到手后一看发现中文部分仅限于菜名和Tips,其实就是一本英文菜谱么,哎。不过这样也好,老外来家里玩的时候再也不用为翻译特定菜名发愁了,书上都有,实在不行就翻到那一页,直接把图片只给他看就行啦~
  •   送老外的,有简单中文用语。
  •   带给老外的,不知道她看了如何。
  •   内容没看,是帮别人买了,就大概翻了一下,纸张印刷看起来还比较精美,书是薄薄的一小本~
  •   书中的英文有待商榷,另外也完全没有考虑到外国人情况,外国人如果初学中国菜无法跟着这本书学做中国菜
  •   这书挺不错的,菜挺多的,就是价格有点贵,给老外买的。也没办法。哈哈哈
  •   非常好的一本书,容易学
  •   很满意,保姆用这个书给我做的菜很好吃,很满意
  •   Great,my boyfriend likes it very very much
  •   老外巨喜欢,好书,非常得好,用来做菜不错
  •   因为跟老外吃饭时,不知道怎么解释中国的菜,怎么表达蒸煮油炸之类的,所以买了这本。结果用处不大,那些词汇到网站一查就知道了,而且老外也不会问很多东西。而且真的太贵了,谁有钱想研究菜谱或者说送给喜欢中国菜的又喜欢做菜的老外就烧一点钱咯。
  •   里面全彩页,书不厚,很方便携带,除了菜名有中英版本,里面烹饪的具体内容只有英文版,但翻译的很简洁利落,很容易理解
  •   给外国朋友买的,全英文,他很喜欢。
  •   给外教买的,就算不好他也不会说的……这么便宜……就给个好评吧
  •   送给老外同事的。。。。据说他很喜欢但是个人觉得有点小贵,那么薄薄的一本
  •   里面的图片很好看内容详实全部都是英文,只有菜谱是中英文的!送给朋友,希望他能满意
  •   给老外买的,她很喜欢
  •   感觉还不错,毕竟便宜的英文的,家常菜菜谱不多
  •   looks pretty good. many nice pictures and some cultural tips, like it
  •   简单易学,给外国人用很合适。
  •   送朋友的,他非常喜欢
  •   是外国朋友要的,这一本价格合理,菜式看着也还行。送货尤其给力,凌晨下单,下午就到了。

250万本中文图书简介、评论、评分,PDF格式免费下载。 第一图书网 手机版
