出版时间:2009-8 出版社:华语教学 作者:方洲 编 页数:151
阅读是学习英语的重要途径。它不仅是学好英语,积累词汇的基础,也是英语学习中其他技能的基础。阅读能帮助我们拓展视野,开阔思路,提高对英语学习的兴趣,为取得更高的语言成就铺平道路。 新课程标准规定小学阶段英语阅读量达到累计10—12万字。要达到这样的目标,没有足够的语言输入量是不行的。当学生有了一定的听、说基础之后,就需要不失时机地加强阅读学习。因为英语学习需要不断地复现,需要大量的输入来强化听、说的语言材料并加以拓展。简单机械的复现和输入会使学生失去学习的兴趣,只有将所学的知识放到新的情景中,放到新的阅读活动中才能吸引学生,使学生保持持久的学习兴趣。为此,我们特编写了《小学英语快乐阅读》系列丛书。 本书所选短文内容幽默、新颖,难易程度适中,题型多样,涵盖了小学阅读理解中可能出现的各种题型。在文中的适当位置依据文章的内容配有精巧幽默的插图,以激发学生的阅读兴趣,帮助学生理解文章的内容。 阅读是一个综合的过程,而阅读能力的提高更是一个循序渐进的过程。相信本书能够给同学们带来一种全新的阅读感受——快乐阅读,阅读快乐,让孩子们在快乐中逐步提高英语水平。
欢乐大家庭 Where Are Aunt Amy and Tony? My GrandfatherS Birthday It'S Your Turn to Whistle Looking for Excuses A Pot with Three Legs An old Farmer and His Sons校园内外事 A Surprising Party What Did I Do? You Can't Say“No” On My Way to School Borrowing Books At the ChildrenS Centre My School Life放眼看世界 Chinese Food The Olympic Games English Names Fast Food Our Birthdays Traffic in Britain Take—away Food人物妙妙屋 Air Jordan A Funny Man “Mr.Going—todo” My English Teacher My Old Classmate 兴趣大看台 What Do YOU Like? Boys Like Cars Billy'S Drawin9 Amy'S View of Shoppin9 My Favourite Food and Drink Danny'S Hobby会话路路通 How Can I Get to Chunfeng Bookshop Go Shoppin9 hi the Clothes Shop What Did You Do Last Summer Vacation? A Kindhearted Doctor New Yea's Dav 风景美如画 A Visit to the West Lake I Miss My Hometown Watching the Sea Four Seasons Disneyland 万物大观园 1“ke Pandas The Lift Trains Basketball A Story of Mi Qi Our House故事连连看 A Clever Boy The Doorkeeper The Fox and the Mothers The Pianist and an Old Woman A Colt Crosses a River The Blind Men Touch the Elephant知识广播站 How to Make a Phone Call? Breakfast Is Very Important Why Are Bicycles SO Popular in China? Foree The Colors of Leaves The Sun应用小天地 A Letter A Diary An Email Poster Directions on the Medicine参考答案
There is a big gym in the centre.They all like sports. So they come intothe gym quickly and begin to play bas-ketball. Mingming is good at basket-ball. Now he catches the ball. Then hebounces it on the floor and runs. Soonhe throws the ball. Its a goal. Now Pingping has the ball. Hethrows it, but its not a goal. Hes not a good basketball player.Hes good at football. There are some children playing beside them. Two little boysare playing on the seesaw. One little girl is playing on the swing.Shes wearing a pink dress. Two big boys are playing ping-pong. Outside the gym, there are some children and a teacher. Theyare playing a game——the eagle and the chicken. There is a tall boyunder the tree. He is playing a guitar and singing an English song.Three girls are dancing to the music. What a nice place! All the children like the centre. Every-one is very happy. ……