
出版时间:2005-1  出版社:华语教学出版社  作者:李林  页数:141  


Pinyin is the phonetic alphabet for Chinese characers. It' s the precondition of studying Chinese.Standard Chinese Phonetics, based on the Scheme for the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet promulgated by the Language Commission, Ministry of Education, is a set of software applying the most advanced technology to integrate words, sounds, pictures, animations and music. It produces an easy and pleasant learning environment for the learners. Through an overall practice enabled by multimedia technology, learners will soon master Chinese pronunciation.


汉语拼音是用来给汉字注音的,掌握拼音,是学好汉语的前提条件。     《标准汉语拼音》软件教材是根据中国教育部语言文字工作委员会颁布的普通话《汉语拼音方案》编写的,运用了最新的多媒体技术,把文字、语音、图片、动画、音乐等结合在一起,营造了轻松愉快的语言自学环境,让初学汉语者视有所见,听有所闻,口说手动,心领神会,快速标准地掌握语音知识。


I. Introduction to Chinese Phonetics1. How to Learn the Chinese Phonetics2. Knowledge of Phonetics3. Vocal Organs4. The Scheme for the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet5. Alphabet6. Contents of PhoneticsⅡ. The Initials1. The Classification of the Initials2. Pronunciation of the Initials3. A Comparison among j , q , x 4. A Comparison among z, c, s5. A Comparison among zh, ch, sh, r6. A Comparison Between z, c, s and zh, ch, sh7. Exercises on the Pronunciations of the InitialsⅢ. The Finals1. The Classification of the Finals2. Simple Finals3. Compound Finals4. Finals with Nasal Endings5. The Syllable with a Retroflex Ending6. Exercises on the Pronunciation of the FinalsIV. Tones1. Basic Concepts of Tones2. The Tonal Value and the Tone Category3. Tones of Modern Standard Chinese4. The Neutral Tone and Tone-sandhi5. Tone ExercisesV. The Dividing MarkVI. The Spelling Rules of Chinese Phonetic AlphabetVII. Reading Exercises1. Short Stories2. Prose3. Fable


插图:These three initials are all dentals. In producing z or c, the tip of your tongue is against the back of your upper teeth and the air is let out by rubbing through the channel. The difference between z and c is that in producing c, the breath of air let out is much stronger. In producing s, you put the tip of your tongue close to your upper teeth and squeeze your breath out. The pronunciation of z is close to that of "ds" in English, except for that the vocal cords do not vibrate. The pronunciation of c is close to that of "ts" in English, except for that the puff of air emitted is stronger. E.g.





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