出版时间:2005-8 出版社:华语教学出版社 作者:方洲 编 页数:106 字数:84000
《国家英语课程标准》强调:“在英语教学中应适当扩大听和读的输入量,通过大量的语言实践活动,切实提高学生综合运用英语的能力。”鼓励学生积极、主动地参与语言实践活动和尝试创造性使用语言,促进语言技能的发展,进而逐步获得综合运用语言知识和语言技能进行交际的能力。 依据最新《国家英语课程标准》对中小学英语教学的分级要求,结合现行对应教材中课文的难易程度,我们编写了这套“小学英语随堂阅读”。本套书共4册,每册均配有录音磁带;磁带配音纯正,语速适中;全书由一线优秀教师和英语教育专家编写;书中选编的阅读材料内容丰富,有小笑话、神话、成语典故、童话、小科普等各种题材,适合老师和学生作为趣味阅读和听说训练教材使用,切实帮助小学生提高英语阅读和听说能力。
1.Our Motehr Is the Same2.I Made Granny Glad3.You Can Give Me Two Chickens4.He'll Beat Me5.A Famous Actor6.The Wrong Number7.Say Sorry For the Poor Handwrithing8.Big Man in a Small Town9.How Could You Afford It10.Scrape the Poison off the Bone11.Henry Fford12.I Don't Know13.Ben Franklin14.Mozart and the Street-prerformer15.Monkey and the Crocodile16.The Emperor's New Crocodile17.A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed18.The Ant and the Grasshopper19.The Blind Man and the Elephant20.Lion and Mouse21.The Climate of Britain22.Canada and the United States23.McDonald's Restaurant24.Skin-diving25.Dancing26.Men Are Different from Animals27.The Ostrich28.Ants29.Zero30.Salt31.The Importance of Tree32.The Internet33.Memory34.Dream35.What Is Colour36.The Invertion of the Bike37.A Good Way to Pass an Exam38.The Way of Studying 39.Some Education Costs in America40.Newspapers41.Radio and Television参考答案