出版时间:2005-8 出版社:华语教学出版社 作者:方洲 编 页数:106
《国家英语课程标准》强调:“在英语教学中应适当扩大听和读的输入量,通过大量的语言实践活动,切实提高学生综合运用英语的能力。”鼓励学生积极、主动地参与语言实践活动和尝试创造性使用语言,促进语言技能的发展,进而逐步获得综合运用语言知识和语言技能进行交际的能力。 依据最新《国家英语课程标准》对中小学英语教学的分级要求,结合现行对应教材中课文的难易程度,我们编写了这套“小学英语随堂阅读”。本套书共4册,每册均配有录音磁带;磁带配音纯正,语速适中;全书由一线优秀教师和英语教育专家编写;书中选编的阅读材料内容丰富,有小笑话、神话、成语典故、童话、小科普等各种题材,适合老师和学生作为趣味阅读和听说训练教材使用,切实帮助小学生提高英语阅读和听说能力。
1. A Rabbit and a Wolf2. A Foolish Man3. Mimi and I4. Nice Rabbits5. A Busy Family6. Look at an Enemy as a Friend7. Go to Cinema8. The City Mouse and the Country Mouse9. It Is Still Too Much10. The Monkey11. Where Is the Snowman?12. A Long Name 13. Don't Throw Good Things Away14. Foolish Father and Son15. The Doorbell Rings16. The Hens' and Cocks' Words17. Food for Good Clothes18. Fishing19. Look Out!20. Jim--My Lovely Dog21. A Real Giant22. Sit in the Same Seat23. Number Twenty Now24. Selling Cow25. A Man Riding a Black Horse26. The Reply Letter of the Department of Agriculture27. Wet Paint28. My Family Is Very Poor29. A Brown Coat30. Quarrel for a Comb31. Misunderstanding32. It Is in My Car33. Toothache34. How Can I Repay You35. Rich Man36. The Leaning Tower of Pisa37, K Day38. How Can I Find a Good One39. Schools in America40. Australia41. Talking About Weather42. Meals in England43. First Floor and Second Floor44. The Watermelon45. Hair in Our Body46. The Frog That Changes Colour47. Guess a New Word48. Language Problems in a Foreign Country参考答案