出版时间:2005-11 出版社:人民军医出版社 作者:Tao Le等[著] 页数:546 字数:1544000
本书是美国畅销的临床实习系列参考用书之一,有McGraw-Hill公司出版。书中内容包括临床实习的准备事项、临床实习的介绍、内科病房实习要点、儿科病房实习要点、医学图书介绍及排名等。全书采用Student-to-Student的形式,所有内容皆经过临床实习的医生、学生的总结,非常精炼、实用,能够切实地帮助医学生的临床实习。 本书适合于医学院校在校学生以及临床医生。`
Tao Le, MD,Dr. Le has led multiple medical education projects over the past seven years. As a medical student, he was editor-in-chief of the University of California, San Francisco Synapse, a university newspaper with a weekly circulation of 9,000.Subsequently, he authored First Aid for the Wards and First Aid for the Match and led the most recent revision of First Aid for the USMLE Step 2. At Yale, he was a regular guest lecturer on the USMLE review courses and an adviser to the Yale University School of Medicine curriculum committee. Dr. Le earned his medical degree from the University of California, San Francisco in 1996 and completed his residency training and board certification in internal medicine at Yale-New Haven Hospital. He subsequently went on to co-found Medsn and served as i
PrefaceAcknowledgmentsHow to ContributeChapter 1:Guide for Wards Success Introduction The Team A Day on the Wards The Oral Presentation Daily Wark Activities Tips for Wards Survival Difficult Situations Yours Advantages Getting Off to a Good StartChapter 2:Practical Information for All Clerkships Reading Key Studies Fluids and Electrolytes Acid-Base Calculations Sliding-Scale Insulin Patient Emergencies Appendix Top-Rated Books Electronic ResourcesChapter 3:Internal Medicine Ward Tips High-Yield Topics Pulmonology Nephrology Gastroenterology Hematology Endocrinology Infectious Disease Rheumatology General Medicine High-Yield References Top-Rated BooksChapter 4:Neurology……Chapter 5:Obstetrics and GynecologyChapter 6:PediatricsChapter 7:PsychiatryChapter 8:SurgeryAbbreviationsIndex
本书特点: 1、本书从实习者的角度出发,开创Student-to-Student的辅导形式; 2、内容精练,直击临床实习要点和难点; 3、本书英文简单、易懂,可以同时用作提高医学英文水平。 非常幸运能在病房实习期间拥有这样一本参考书,书中内容非常实用,能够满足我们的实习需要。另外,读完本书后,我们的医学英语水平已有了一定的提高。 ——鲍贻倩 99级八年制临床医学,中国协和医科大学