
出版时间:2008-9  出版社:中国商务出版社  作者:王乃彦 编  页数:110  


  随着经济全球化进程的加快,我国同世界各国的商务活动日趋频繁,并在经济贸易领域与国际全面接轨。为了适应这一新的形势,社会急需既具有一定的国际贸易知识,又具有相当英语水平的复合型国际商务人才。较高的商务英语交际能力和娴熟的商务英语沟通技巧,已成为新经济时代商务人员必备的专业技能之一。本书以实用为目的,从买卖双方不同角度介绍谈判技巧和交际方法,注重培养学生灵活运用英语知识和商务知识进行各种商务活动的能力。适用对象为从事国际商务活动的专业人员和国际贸易、商务英语等专业的学生。  本教材为中华人民共和国商务部网络培训系列教材之一,简明实用,针对性强,内容涉及国际商务活动及交易磋商各环节,包括询盘、报盘、价格、包装、佣金、折扣、装运交货、支付、合同、保险、营销、广告、索赔、仲裁、商检、进口许可证、商标、专利、合资、代理、加工、招标、投标、并购等诸方面。特别是加入了目前国际商务领域最新的贸易方式及做法。每个单元由背景知识介绍、对话示例、专业术语介绍、常用句型表达及谈判技巧等内容组成。  本教材由王乃彦任主编,李富森、刘长声任副主编,房玉靖、刘玉玲、梁晶、姚颖参加编写。  本教材的编写得到了《国际商报》社副社长刘德标及培训部主任王强的指导和支持,在此表示感谢。




Unit 1 Enquiry and OfferUnit 2 Price BargainingUnit 3 Commission and DiscountUnit 4 PackingUnit 5 Shipment and DeliveryUnit 6 PaymentUnit 7 InsuranceUnit 8 Conclusion and ContractsUnit 9 Advertising and MarketingUnit 10 Import LicenseUnit 11 Joint VentureUnit 12 Trademarks and PatentUnit 13 Claims and SettlementUnit 14 ArbitrationUnit 15 Commodity InspectionUnit 16 OEM and ODMUnit 17 Processing and AssemblingUnit 18 Invitation to TenderUnit 19 AgencyUnit 20 Acquisition and Merger参考书目


  Marketing is an important process which discerns;consumers wants.focusing on a product or service to fulfill those wants,attempting to move the consumers toward the products or services offered .Marketing is fundamental to any businesses growth. Marketing tends to be seen as a creative industry. which includes advertising,distribution and selling:It is also concerned with anticipating the customers future need stand wants,which are often discovered through market research. Essentially, marketing is the process of creating or directing an organization to be successful in selling a product or service that people not only desire,but are willing to buy.



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