
出版时间:2007-03-01  出版社:中国商务出版社  作者:全国国际商务专业人员职业资格考试用书编委会  




Section One    Everyday Communication   Unit One    Travelling by air   Unit Two    Meeting foreign guests at the airport   Unit Three  Checking in at the hotel   Unit Four   Agenda   Unit Five   Welcome speeches   Unit Six    Making phone calls   Unit Seven  Appointments   Unit Eight  At a restaurant   Unit Nine   Travelling and sightseeing   Unit Ten    Shopping   Unit Eleven PartingSection Two    Business Talks   Unit One    Company introduction   Unit Two    Introduction to products   Unit Three  Enquiries and offers   Unit Four   Prices   Unit Five   Packing   Unit Six    Shipment   Unit Seven  Payment   Unit Eight  Insurance   Unit Nine   Conclusion of business   Unit Ten    Complaints and settlement   Unit Eleven AgencySection Three      Reading material   Reading 1  Chinese take a break for holiday   Reading 2   Web giants rush to music   Reading 3   Wildlife protection promoted   Reading 4   Fish population endangered by large harvests   Reading 5   Elderly facing a worry-free retirement   Reading 6   Organic food   Reading 7   Holiday fever hits flower stores   Reading 8   One child policy suited to current social situation   Reading 9   Vending machines promote safe sex   Reading 10  Air-conditioner sales heat up   Reading 11  More land hit by sand as desertification intensifies   Reading 12   "Hope" project helps young dropouts   Reading 13  Drive to educate doctors in ethics   Reading 14  Collection is city hobby   Reading 15  Crackdown on fake products   Reading 16  Rural pension system gains wide approval   Reading 17  Lottery fever arrives as winner walks with ¥1.2m   Reading 18  Li urges action on workplace disease   Reading 19  Prostitution never boosts prosperity   Reading 20  Saving our relics   Reading 21  Changing the color of Christmas   Reading 22  Firework explosion kills nine   Reading 23  Elderly taste bittersweet love   Reading 24  From one kid to none   Reading 25  Capital cars charged more for parking   Reading 26  Casual dress not always welcome   Reading 27  China bolsters its protection of copyrights   Reading 28  Move focuses on good death   Reading 29  New virus hits world computer networks   Reading 30  Scientists blame human beings模拟试题



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