出版时间:2005-1 出版社:中国对外经济贸易出版社 作者:李柱国、张维亮、林晓洁/国别:中国大陆 页数:355
LESSON ONE Request for the Establishment of Business RelationsLESSON TWO An Enquiry for Iron NailsLESSON THREE Counter 0ffer LESSON FOUR A Firm Offer LESSON FIVE Specifications and PackingLESSON SIX TermS of Payment LESSON SEVEN Customs Supervision and Control over LogisticsLESSON EIGHT Customs Supervision and Control over Passengers’LuggageLESSON NINE Checking the PapersLESSON TEN China Customs Organizations,Functions and TasksLESSON ELEVEN Customs Ogicer and the Passengers’ Baggage ExaminationLESSON TWELVE Customs Supervision and Control over Imports and ExportLESSON THIRTEEN Supervision and Control over Incoming and Out-going ShipsLESSON FOURTEEN British Customs Officers Work at PortsLESSON FIFITEEN Customs and Postal ServiceLESSON SIXTEEN People Treated with Diplomatic CourtesyLESSON SEVENTEEN Customs DutiesLESSON EIGHTEEN Temporary Exemption from DutyLESSON NINETEEN Bonded WarehousesLESSON TWENTY Foreign-trade ZonesLESSON TWENTY ONE Customs UnionLESSON TWENTY TWO Customs External AuditingLESSON TWENTY THREE British Customs Fight against Drug SmugglingLESSON TWENTY FOUR U.S.Customs Heroin,Cocaine Seizures UpLESSON TWENTY FIVE Customs Cooperation Council(1)LESSON TWENTY SIX Customs Cooperation Council(2)LESSON TWENTY SEVEN The Harmonized Commodity Descrivtion and Coding SystemLESSON TWENTY EIGHT Tariff Barriers to Trade LESSON TWENTY NINE Non-Trariff Barriers to Trade附录1 英汉对照报关常用单词及词组附录2 英汉对照报关常用缩写语附录3 世界主要港口英文名称附录4 单证