
出版时间:2005-8  出版社:中国时代经济出版社  作者:苏格兰学历管理委员会 著  页数:34  


1 Introduction to the Scottish Qualifications Authority2 Introduction to the Unit  2.1 What is the Purpose of this Unit?  2.2 What are the Outcomes of the  Unit?  2.3 What Do I Need to be Able to do in Order to Achieve the Unit?  2.4 Aproximate Study Time for This Unit  2.5 Equipment/Material Required for this Unit  2.6 Symbols Used in this Unit3 Assessment Information for this Unit  3.1 What Do I Have to Do to Achieve This Unit?4 Suggested Lesson Plan5 Learning Material  5.1 Section 1--Roles of tour guides,resort representatives and couriers  5.2 Section 2--Demonstrate tour management skills  5.3 Section 3--Perform resort representative duties  5.4 Section 4--Conduct an on-site tour6 Additional Reading Material7 Solutions to Self-Assessde Questions and Activities8 Copyright References9 AcknowledgementsAppendix 1 Unit Specifications



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