出版时间:2008-8 出版社:中国海关出版社 作者:刘新法 编 页数:223
本书是为从事外贸工作的人员而编写的。遵循新颖、易学、实用的编写原则。每一部分都精心设计,力求切中外贸业务员在每个场合运用英语口语的需要。 因此内容上,您可以发现下面这些亮点: 一、有计划有系统的内容编排 由浅入深,循序渐进地分成28个单元,若干单元构成一个模块,每个模块完成一个主题目标。从最初的建立关系、来客接待到陪同与观光,直至商务沟通与谈判,完成与外国同行进行商务往来的所有环节。本书这样的系统安排将能够为您和老外同行顺利进行会话扫除障碍。 二、生动活泼的对话与练习 在“BASIC DRILLS”中,有该单元最常用的基础用法。在“DIA-LOGUES’中,围绕每个单元的语言功能,为您提供了模拟实际场景的范例对话,使您在富有现场感的会话中,学到真实而地道的英语口语。在“HOTw0RDS AND PHRASES”部分,将与本单元内容相关的较难词汇和重要的结构搭配进行注释、收录,以利于读者温故知新,举一反三,自学自练。
本书内容体现了以下三个突出特点:一是从实际出发,根据外贸业务员在日常活动中所需要运用英语口语的场合,如电话联络、接待客户来访、参加展会等,按活动步骤叙述英语口语的实用表达法,如接待客户来访包括:一、准备工作二、迎接外国客户(入境、过关、送往旅馆、宴会招待)三、商务服务(货币兑换、邮电、购物、餐饮等) 四、交易谈判五、参观工厂、公司六、特别活动(舞会、联谊会、周年纪念会等) 七、旅游购物。等等。二是运用实际案例,形象展示口语对话,使读者身临其境,轻松记住一些各个场合需要运用的句子。三是搜集了大量国际商务交往方面的小知识点,提示读者注意口语对话中的关键事项和各国文化差异。 书尾根据实际需要添加一些附录。比如中餐宴会中常常要介绍的菜名翻译,一些常用商务英语词汇等等。 本书贴近实际,浅显易懂,是外贸业务员进行英语口语接洽的实务书。
Part One Preparatory Work Unit 1 Establishing Relationship Unit 2 On Agenda Unit 3 Making Reservation Unit 4 Booking TicketsPart 2 Business Activities WELCOMING Unit 5 Through the Customs Unit 6 On the Way to the Hotel Unit 7 Check-in and Check-out Unit 8 Reception Banquet BUSINESS CONVERSATION Unit 9 Inquiry and Reply Unit 10 Offers and Counter Offers Unit 11A Visit to A Plant Unit 12 Negotiation on Price Unit 13 Ordering Unit 14 Payment Unit 15 Insurance ……Part Three Commercial ServiceAppendixReference
8.5 SUPPUMENTARY TIPS Humor and Wit Humor Most of us wouldnt risk an international relationship by trying out a little of our own home-brewed humor. This is a pity, because humor is the most effective social cement known to mankind. This isnt a question of learning English jokes off by heart and then trying them out. Its one of courage and social confidence. And there are numerous ways to ensure you dont fall foul of cultural misunderstandings in the process. You can, for instance, protect yourself afterwards with the phrase "Just kidding". Then, of course, theres always the strategy of selling your wit as made in Germany: “Thats German humor for you.” Say this with a quiet smile on your face and your listeners will think they are being given insider ac-cess to a culturally unique society. Another trick is to continue what you are saying afterwards with the disclaimer "But seriously". Remember there is enormous peer pressure on "getting" jokes, so leverage this for all its worth. So when they stare back blankly in response to your most hi-larious gag, look pityingly on them with the follow-up: "Dont get it?" Humor is, after all, one of your most strategic communication forms when it comes to conflict and bad news. Risking it in e-mails is a little trickier, and will require plenty of smiles and quotations marks. Running jokes and insider jokes also create cozy subcultures which neednt be lim-ited to monotingual speakers. So introduce others: "Thats just my senseof humor. Youll get used to it. " In other words, welcome to the club.