出版时间:2005-1 出版社:中国石化出版社 作者:全国职称英语等级 页数:208
职称英语自从实行全国统一考试以来,以其独特的题型,较高的难度要求,使得许多考生不太适应。目前参加初级、中级和高级职称评定的同志由于种种原因,有的只是自学过一些英语,有的学的是俄语或日语,有的在实际工作中与英语接触甚少,这使得许多同志的英语基础较为薄弱。针对以上客观事实,我们组织工作在教学第一线的教师编写了这套《全国专业技术人员职称英语等级考试丛书》。本套丛书根据最新考试大纲编写,具体特点如下: ①详尽列举了常考的词汇和语法考点; ②剖析了各种题型的解题技巧; ③荟萃了历年优秀真题; ④列举了大量的专项练习题; ⑧由于初级、中级和高级考试内容没有太严格的区别,因此本套丛书适用于各个级别。 总之,这套丛书不仅是一套技巧讲解手册,更是一套词汇、语法等常考考点的记忆手册。本套丛书包括: ①《全国职称英语等级考试词汇30天突破》 ②《全国职称英语等级考试30天突破·综合类》 ③《全国职称英语等级考试30天突破·理工类》 ④《全国职称英语等级考试30天突破·卫生类》 ⑤《全国职称英语等级考试押题试卷·综合类》 ⑥《全国职称英语等级考试押题试卷·理工类》 ⑦《全国职称英语等级考试押题试卷·卫生类》 由于时间仓促,书中错误或疏漏之处在所难免,诚请读者斧正。
《全国职称英语等级考试押题试卷(理工类)》特点: 谨遵考试大纲,精研历年真题,深刻剖析出题者的命题思路,总结归纳考试出题规律,为考生备考指引方向,真正实现“知己知彼,百战不殆”。 荟萃研磨众多英语培训机构及各类相关书籍的精华,使考生在增强应试能力的同时提高英语综合运用水平。 内容丰富全面,包括词汇选项、阅读判断、概括大意与完成句子、阅读理解、补全短文和完形填空等各类题型的解题技巧、专项练习、模拟试题,真正做到“一书在手,全部拥有”。 把学习内容科学地分为30天,有利于考生有条不紊地安排复习,既突出了重点,又加强了针对性。
全真模拟试题(一)参考答案全真模拟试题(二)参考答案全真模拟试题(三)参考答案全真模拟试题(四)参考答案全真模拟试题(五)参考答案全真模拟试题(六)参考答案全真模拟试题(七)参考答案全真模拟试题(八)参考答案全真模拟试题(九)参考答案附录 考前冲刺四套题
Geography and Movement To understand how astrology works, we should first take a quick look at the sky. Al-though the stars are at enormous distances, they do indeed give the impression of being affixedto the inner surface of a great hollow sphere surrounding the earth. Ancient people, in fact,literally believed in the existence of such a celestial sphere. As the earth spins on its axis, thecelestial sphere appears to turn about us each day, pivoting at points on a line with the earthsaxis of rotation. This daily turning of the sphere carries the stars around the sky, causingmost of them to rise and set, but they, and constellations they define, maintains fixed pat-terns on the sphere, just as the continent of Australian maintains its shape on a spinning globeof the earth. Thus the stars were called fixed stars. The motion of the sun along the ecliptic is, of course, merely a reflection of the revolu-tion of the earth around the sun, but the ancients believed the earth was fixed and the sun hadand independent motion of its own, eastward among the stars. The glare of sunlight hides thestars in daytime, but the ancients were aware that the stars were up there even at night, andthe slow eastward motion of the sun around the sky, at the rate of about thirty degrees eachmonth, caused different stars to be visible at night at different times of the year. The moon, revolving around the earth each month, also has an independent motion in thesky. The moon, however, changes it position relatively rapidly. Although it appears to riseand set each day, as does nearly everything else in the sky, we can see the moon changing po-sition during as short an interval as an hour or so. The moons path around the earth lies near-ly in the same plane as the earths path around the sun, so the moon is never seen very farfrom the ecliptic in the sky. There are five other objects visible to the naked eye that also ap-pear to move in respect to the fixed background of stars on the celestial sphere. These are theplanets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and the Saturn. All of them revolve around the sunin nearly the same plane as the earth does, so they, like the moon, always appear near the e-cliptic. Because we see the planets from the moving earth, however, they behave in a compli-cated way.