
出版时间:2001-6-1  出版社:龙门书局  作者:李赫,钱小玲,倪桂珍,祁云霞,李宝忱,孟国凯  


Unit 1  Hello!Nice to meet you!
Unit 2 Can you spell it?
Unit 3 Numbers in English
Unit 4 Whats this in English?
Unit 5 How old is he?
Unit 6 Is this your pencil-box?
Unit 7 The new students
Unit 8 Mainly revision
Unit 9 Come and meet the family
Unit 10 Where is it?
Unit 11 Whats in the teachers room?
Unit 12 How many kites are there?
Unit 13 What colour is it?
Unit 14 Whose clothes are these?
Unit 15 Whats the time,please?
Unit 16 Mainly revision



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