
出版时间:1998-10  出版社:宇航出版社  


Unit 1 Madame Curie
Unit 2 Captain Cook
Unit 3 Australia
Unit 4 Feed the world
Unit 5 Advertising
Unit 6 Mainly revision
Unit 7 AngkorWat
Unit 8 A person of great determination
Unit 9 Gymnastics
Unit 10 Thetrick
Unit 11 TheMerchant of Venice
Unit 12 Mainlyrevision
Unit 13 TheUSA
Unit 14 Roots
Unit 15 Study skills
Unit 16 Social and personal
Unit 17 Myteacher
Unit 18 Mainlyrevision
Unit 19 NewZealand
Unit 20 Gandhi
Unit 21 Who gets the money?
Unit 22 Bees
Unit 23 The find of the century
Unit 24 Mainly revision



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