
出版时间:1998-09  出版社:宇航出版社  作者:郝慕侠  




Book 1
Unit 1 How to Improve Your Study Habits
Roots: norma, signum , tract, centr, fugere, pass, portion
(portio),prehend ( pris) , pose ( pon)
Unit 2 Sailing Round the World
Roots: ven, sole , plenus, luna, potens , treach
Unit 3 The Present
Roots: durare, crust, veloper, lucta
Unit 4 Turning off TV:A Quiet Hour
Roots; socio ( sucius ), certus, habi ( hibit ) , tur (tum ) , duc
(duct) ,aqua,volu(volv)
Unit 5 A Miserable,Happy Christmas
Roots: dign (dain, deign), pat ( pass)
Unit 6 Sam Adams,lndustrial Engineer
Roots:hap,ject(jet),verse(vert),spect,server ,cresc
Unit 7 The Sampler
Unit 8 You Go Your Way,I'll Go Mine
Roots: gram, baro, crypto, spons , nervus , pars
Unit 9 The Brain
Roots: pute, phil, harmonia, log, anthrop, andro, gyne,
math, adelphos, Anglus , biblion, zoo, sophs, chemi (chemo),
bi)(o) ,logo,base
Unit 10 Going Home
Roots: claim (clam )
Book 2
Unit 1 Is There Life on Earth?
Roots: graph, calli, cacao, chrono; astro , nomos , scope , helio,
laryngo, radius, clude (close ) , pose, cresc, vit, soli, part, cede
Unit 2 The Dinner Party
Roots:tract ,puls(pel) ,mov(mot), mand, merge, join
Unit 3 Lessons from Jefferson
Roots: pend. foint, satis, ject, erra, flict , marc (mark) , agri,
cultura, mania, motor, archaro,logo, arch , tect
Unit 4 My First Job
nam ,test
Unit 5 The Professor and the Yo-Yo
Roots: equi , libra , later, nox (nocti), vox , entomo, appendix ,
arteri, gastro, neuron, tomy, animus, seri (sert), sue, fa
(fam) ,cap,civis
Unit 6 The Making of a Surgeon
Roots: pet (petit) , fid , punc ( pung ), fract , void , ceit
Unit 7 There's Only Luck
Roots :melos ,crime ,cura ,lude
Unit 8 Honesty:ls It Going out of Style?
Roots: dict, quir (quest), psych (o) ,camp, fil(e) ,tent,flux
(flui) ,cad(cid,cas) ,tact(tag)
Unit 9 What Is Intelligence,Anyway?
Roots:apt(ept),figure(fict), ger (gest, gist), simil, nounci,
div (de) , verb , num, valo
Unit 10 Profits of Praise
Roots: haurire , wr, cor ( cord, cour ) , lingui, fend, via (vey ),
pre, metron ,grav,nosc,(gnost) ,vest
Book 3
Unit 1 A Brush with the Law
Roots: stare, du ( e ) , temfar, cern (cret) , firm, miss (mit),
warder ,cantus, prope
Unit 2 The Woman Who Would Not Tell
Roots: pictus, bind (band ), fact ( fect, fict), velle
Unit 3 Why 1 Teach
Roots: minister, fess, vincere, pel, flex ( flec ), sex, mensis,
Unit 4 Lady Hermits Who Are Down But Not Out
Roots: insola, venio. sed (sit) , levare, trude, gene
Unit 5 The Day Mother Cried
Roots:sum,sens(sent) ,tense
Unit 6 A Day's Wait
Roots: struere, pure ( purg ) , flux ( flui) , demo, pe (a) do, ia-
tria , agog ,cracy , crat, scribe. thermo
Unit 7 The Shelter
Roots: opi ( ops , opt) , brevis , port , manteau, signum, sent ,
gress, bar, gene, mit (miss) , manu, milit
Unit 8 Daydream a Little
Roots: fer,tain (ten,tin)
Unit 9 The Death of Hitler
Roots: dict, grad (gress ), spect, prehend ( pris), socio, audi,
Unit 10 The Fantastic Spurt in Technology
Roots:jure,ball(blem) ,port,opus,nov, fuse , duc(duct) ,ced
(ceed,cess) ,celeri
Book 4
Unit 1 Big Buck the Easy Way
Roots :sect ,sembl ,dent(denti) ,med(i) ,plet
Unit 2 Deer and the Energy Cycle
Roots:cur,eco,vert,verse) ,matur,cumul
Unit 3 Why Do We Believe That the Earth Is Round?
Roots: cred , peal , oculo, phaino ( phanein) , cello , sphere, at-
mo, ov, nav (naut)
Unit 4 Jim Thorpe
Root s: bat, minent, scend, post ( pose, pon)
Unit 5 To Lie or Not to Lie-The Doctor's? Dilemma
Roots:rumpoC.rupt) cide(cise), genos, insect, matris,patris ,
fratri, soror, maritus, uxor, reg, cept, plac, alter, loquor , sequ
(secu) ,rodo
Unit 6 How to Mark a Book
Roots: suadeo, stab (stat) , luc (lux ), fer, strain, scribe, man
(manu) ,magni, pens (pendere )
Unit 7 The Luncheon
Roots: senex, clin, sure, am, tort, collum, veng, mors
Unit 8 The New Caves
Root s: cavus , leg , mobilis, create, cub (cumb) , habit, terminus ,
vis (vid ) , hydro, ponein , puls (pel)
Unit 9 Journey West
Roots: cent, solv, und (unda) , stinct (sting ), terra , pact
Unit 10 Why People Work
Roots :stitu ,verse,trihu ,ordic(ordo) ,clude(close)



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