出版时间:2011-2 出版社:国家行政学院出版社 作者:赵敏 主编 页数:378 字数:720000
本书特点:题材广泛。本书中文章是从国外报刊、杂志、书籍、考题中摘选的百篇材料。内容丰富,时效性强,涉及面广。本书所选文章涉及政治、经济、文化、文学、教育学、语言学、哲学、心理学、历史、人物传记和科普知识等诸方面,以便考生在提高能力的同时扩大视野,从而取得好成绩。 体裁齐全。本书所选文章包括叙事文、描写文、说明文和论说文四种,以论说文为主。以提高考生对各种体裁的文章的分析、解决问题的能力。 题型齐全。本书涵盖了考研英语阅读理解ParlA、PartB的各种题型,以提高考生对各种题型分析、解决问题的能力。 解答详尽。本书对每题不仅给出了答案,而且对答案做了深入剖析,这样有利于考生掌握答题的角度和方法、技巧。 篇篇详译。本书对每篇短文不仅配有生词注释、难句讲解,而且对每篇短文都译成中文,这样有利于考生从中掌握分析长难句结构的方法和翻译技巧,也有利于考生从中领会到地道英文写作的真谛。
第一篇 考研英语阅读理解Part A 80篇 第一部分 水平测试20篇 Test 1 Test 1答案与解析、全文译文 Test 2 Test 2答案与解析、全文译文 Test 3 Test 3答案与解析、全文译文 Test 4 Test 4答案与解析、全文译文 Test 5 Test 5答案与解析、全文译文 第二部分 能力提高40篇 Unit 1 Unit 1答案与解析、全文译文 Unit 2 Unit 2答案与解析、全文译文 Unit 3 Unit 3答案与解析、全文译文 Unit 4 Unit 4答案与解析、全文译文 Unit 5 Unit 5答案与解析、全文译文 Unit 6 Unit 6答案与解析、全文译文 Unit 7 Unit 7答案与解析、全文译文 Unit 8 unit 8答案与解析、全文译文 Unit 9 unit 9答案与解析、全文译文 Unit 10 unit 10答案与解析、全文译文 第三部分 Part A模考20篇 Model Test 1 Model Test 1答案与解析、全文译文 Model Test 2 Model Test 2答案与解析、全文译文 Model Test 3 Model Test 3答案与解析、全文译文 Model Test 4 Model Test 4答案与解析、全文译文 Model Test 5 Model Test 5答案与解析、全文译文第二篇 考研英语阅读理解Part B 20篇 第一部分 “七选五”题型5篇 第二部分 选标题题型5篇 第三部分 排序题型5篇 第四部分 例证题型5篇
In march 1998 the Coca-Cola Bottling Company announced the appointment of a most unlikely newdirector to its board: Evander Holyfield, a former heavyweight boxing champion, best-known for havingpart of his ear bitten off in a bout by a fellow boxer, Mike Tyson. He was not the only top athlete at thetime with a seat in the boardroom : Michael Jordan, a celebrated basketball player, was a director of Oakley, a sunglasses manufacturer. Boards have also recruited from the ranks of Hollywood. Disney appointed Sidney Poitier to its boardin 1994, for example. And you can take your pick from scores of politicians-turned-directors, includingA1 Gore, a former vice-president and a member of Apple's board since 2003. Gerald Ford was a particularly enthusiastic collector of boardroom seats after he left the WhiteHouse. While on the board of American Express he stunned his fellow directors by asking Harvey Golub.the chief executive at the time, to explain the difference between "'equity" and "revenue". It prompts abroader thought about why companies recruit celebrity directors. Michael Eisner, the boss of Disney when Mr Poitier joined the board, may have been right to saythat the actor's "talent is more than screen deep," and that his "election to our board brings us not onlyhis exhaustive knowledge of the entertainment industry but the judgment and wisdom of an exceptionalman. " Even so, it would seem a reasonable assumption that the lack of business nous displayed by thelate President Ford is more typical of the celebrity in the boardroom. So what is the point of having them? Because they increase the value of the firms whose boards they join, apparently. "According to a newstudy by four American-based economists, simply announcing that a celebrity's joining a board gives thecompany's share price a boost. Disney's share price jumped by 4. 2% on the day Mr. ……
2013年-英语阅读精析100篇-赵敏考研英语2 PDF格式下载