
出版时间:2005-7  出版社:开明出版社  作者:陈琛琛 编  页数:172  




Unit 1 How do you study for a test?Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the darkUnit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothesUnit 4 What would you do?Unit 5 It must belong to CarlaReview of units 1—5Unit 6 I like music that I can dance toUnit 7 Where would you like to visit?Unit 8 UI1 help clean up the city parksUnit 9 When was it invented?Unit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already leftReview of units 6—10Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?Unit 12 You're supposed to shake handsUnit 13 Rainy days make me sadUnit 14 Have you packed yet?Unit 15 We're trying to save the manatees!Review of units 11—15听力材料与参考答案



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