
出版时间:2010-5  出版社:开明出版社  作者:王丽丽,王东娥,陈桂芳 编  


  《倍轻松学习方法:8年级英语(上)(套装共3册)(人教新目标)》共有How often do you exercise?What s the matter?What are you doing for vacation?How do you get to school?Can you come to my party?Im More outgoing than my sister?How do you make a banana milk shake?How was your scholl trip?When was he born?Im going to be a basketball player。Could you please clean your room?What s the best radio station?12个单元内容构成。


UNIT1 How often do you exercise?UNIT2 What s the matter?UNIT3 What are you doing for vacation?UNIT4 How do you get to school?UNIT5 Can you come to my party?UNIT6 Im More outgoing than my sisterUNIT7 How do you make a banana milk shake?UNIT8 How was your scholl trip?UNIT9 When was he born?UNIT10 Im going to be a basketball playerUNIT11 Could you please clean your room?UNIT12 What s the best radio station?



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