
出版时间:1999-07  出版社:语文出版社  


Unit 1 Teachers' Day
Unit 2 The sports meeting
Unlt 3 A good teacher
Unit 4 What were they doing?
Unit 5 The accident
Unit 6 In the library
Unit 7 Mainly revislon
期中综合练习 (Unit l--Unit 7)
Unit 8 On the farm
Unit 9 A visit to a factory
Unit 10 Mr Green's problem
Unit 11 A great inventor
Unit 12 Have a good time,Jim!
Unit 13 Merry Chrlstmas!
Unit 14 Malnly revision
期末综合练习 (Unit l-Unit 14)
Unit 15 At home with the twins
Unit 16 What's it made of?
Unit 17 What was it used for?
Unit 18 Planting trees
Unit 19 Mainly revision
期中综合练习 (Unit 15-Unit 19)
Unit 20 The world's population
Unit 21 Shopping
Unit 22 At the doctor's
Unit 23 The football match
Unlt 24 Mainly revision
期末综合练习 (Unit 15-Unit 24)



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