
出版时间:1999-07  出版社:语文出版社  


目 录
Unit 1 Welcome back!
Unit 2 How do you come to school?
Unit 3 Mid-Autumn Day
Unit 4 We are going to work on a farm!
Unit 5 Working hard on the farm
Unit 6 Shall we go to the park?
Unit 7 Mainly revision
Unit 8 Where do you sit?
Unit 9 Find the right place !
Unit 10 Home and work
Unit 11 Keep healthy!
Unit 12 Which is your favourite?
Unit 13 Where were you born?
Unit 14 Mainly revision
Unit 1--14综合测试
Unit 15 Thanks for the message
Unit 16 The seasons of the year
Unit 17 What's the weather like today?
Unit 18 Come to the party
Unit 19 A weather report
Unit 20 What do English people eat?
Unit 21 Mainly revision
Unit 22 What a good,kind girl!
Unit 23 You mustn't play on the road!
Unit 24 What do you have to do?
Unit 25 The visit to Monkey Island
Unit 26 A good doctor
Unit 27 Ling Feng's diary
Unit 28 Mainly revision
Unit 15-28 综合测试



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