
出版时间:2007-4  出版社:宗教文化出版社  


In the history of mankind, there arose many great classical canons, which have had a deep effect on the course of development course of human society. The Daodejing is one of them.
The Daodejing (also called the Laozi) was written by Laozi, who was a great philosopher at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period in China (770-476 BC). The book expounds on success and failure, on survival and extinction, and on misfortune and good fortune. It is considered as a basic scripture of Taoism. The Daodejing is a philosophical poem. Its connotations are profound and its words and phrases are succinct. The Daodejing is the source and current of ideology and culture for China and even for the entire Orient. The influence of the Daodejing has spanned many historical epochs, religious creeds, ethnic customs and cultural traditions.
In the Daodejing, the philosophy that “Tao follows Spontaneity” tells people to seek a state in which man is an integral part of nature. The dialectic “to oppose is the movement of Tao”, guides people to look at things from many sides and at a deep level. The practical wisdom, “No willful action and nothing without willful action”, voices the aspirations of people seeking freedom and a harmonious society.
Since the Daodejing appeared, it has been commented on by emperors, generals, prime ministers, Taoists, Confucians, and Buddhists. Each one of them wrote what they had learned from the canon, and this presented a splendid sight. Textual research of scholars has found that there are about 2000 exegetical commentaries written on the Daodejing.
Since the Sui and the Tang dynasties (581-907), the Daodejing spread widely in the East. Especially in East Asia and Southeast Asia, the Daodejing exerted a great influence. During the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties, the Daodejing spread to the West, and it was studied by many philosophers, scientists, writer, historians and statesmen. According to incomplete statistics, there are over 500 foreign language translations of the Daodejing into over 30 languages.
From April 22nd to 27th 2007, the China Religious Culture Communication Association and the China Taoist Association will hold An “International Forum on the Daodejing” in Xi’an and Hong Kong. During the forum, they will hold an exhibition entitled “The Daodejing: Its Editions and Versions” in Hong Kong. Such a special exhibition of the Daodejing on such a large scale is the first of its kind in the world. The exhibits include the “bamboo slip” Daodejing from the Warring States period, which is the earliest version discovered in archaeological finds, and all kinds of editions, exegetical commentaries, modern Chinese language editions, and multiple foreign language translations. In this exhibition, several cultural relics related to the Daodejing are exhibited, including 10 national first-class cultural relics.
The great instructions of Laozi are just as a the sound of waves which stirs a chord in the people’s hearts. We hope that the great thinkers of the past and the spiritual wealth handed down from ancient times, can give you more comprehension, concern and appreciation for the fine traditional culture of China.
“Hold on to the Tao of old to drive the matters of today”.




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