
出版时间:1998-06  出版社:中央编译出版社  作者:德雷珀(美)  页数:436  






  TO THE TEACHER  GREAT AMERICAN STORIES 1 consists of eight careful adaptations of famous stories by classic Americanwriters and exercises on each story in reading skills,vocabulary, discussion, word forms, language activity, and writing. Prereading exercises introduce the student to the world of the story;and one of the prereading exercises ineach lesson is based on a biographical paragraph about the story's author that appears on the story's title page.  The book is both graded and progressive -- that is, the vocabulary, grammar, and internal structure of the storiesincrease in difficulty from the first story (which is at the beginning-intermediate level of proficiency ) to the last(which is at the intermediate level). Structural, lexical, and sentence-length controls have been used throughout the book. The head-word list for the first four stories contains600 words,while that used for the final four contains 1,000.Maximum sentence length increases from 10 words in the first story to 18 in the final four. New grammatical structures are added gradually, story by story. And words from outside the head-word lists are introduced in a context that makes their meaning clear;used again within the next 100 words of text ;and then repeated at least three more times before the end of the story.  The exercises are so designed that the student must often return to the text to check comprehension or vocabulary. In addition, skimming and scanning exercises in the prereading sections often involve rereading of the writers' biographies. In short, an objective of the book is to involve the reader deeply in the text of each story and the world of its author, and, toward that end, to present exercises that are difficult if not impossible to complete without a thorough understanding of the text.  ……


  北京大学外国语学院教授、博士生导师王逢鑫极力推荐:《美国故事(套装上下册)》是一本地道的英语读物,可以为具有一定英语基础的中国读者提供很好的帮助。  目前面世的英语读物多是应试方面的指导,有的仅仅是语法和词汇上的讲解。即使谈及文化,也要么过于简单,要么过于艰涩。“美国文化读本”丛书适时推出,对于想学英语的中国读者来说,无疑是一件好事。中国人学英语的最大障碍在于远离英美文化背景,容易以中国人的思维方式去考虑问题。本丛书是地道的英语读物,可以为具有一定英语基础的中国读者提供很好的帮助。 



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