
出版时间:1997-08  出版社:中国致公出版社  


UNIT 3 Can you spell it?
UNIT 4 Numbers in English
UNIT 5 What's this in English?
UNIT 6 How old is he?
UNIT 7 Is this your pencil-box?
UNIT 8 Mainly revision
UNIT 9 The new students
UNIT 10 Where is it?
UNIT 11 Come and meet the family!
UNIT 12 What can you see?
UNIT 13 What colour is it?
UNIT 14 That's mine!
UNIT 15 What's the time?
UNIT 16 Mainly revision
UNIT 17 Could you help me.please?
UNIT 18 Look after your thingsi
UNIT 19 Food and drink
UNIT 20 Playing games
UNIT 21 How many boats are there?
UNIT 22 What are you doing?
UNIT 23 Mainly revision
UNIT 24 Let's go to school today!
UNlT 25 Where are you from?
UNlT 26 What do you like?
UNlT 27 People and work
UNlT 28 What time do you get up?
UNlT 29 Shopping
UNlT 30 Mainly revision
索 引
Key to Exercises



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