
出版时间:1997-8  出版社:中国环境科学出版社  作者:中国环境科学出版社 编  页数:565  字数:408000  




Inaugural Meeting  Programme  Speech by Vice-Premier Wu Xueqian  Speech by Dr.Song Jian,Chairman of the Council  Speech by Dr.Marcel Masse,Vice-Chairman of the Council  Speech by Prof.Qu Geping,Vice-Chairman of the Council  Speech by Mr.Gu Ming,Vice-Chairman of the Council  Presentation by Mr.Federico Mayor,Director-General of the United Nations Educational,Scientific Cultural Organization  Presentation by Qu Geping:Environmental Protection in China Appendix:A  Preliminary Analysis of Losses Caused by Environmental Pollution in China  Presentation by Huang Yicheng:Strategic Alternative for Coordinated Development of Energy Environment in China  Presentation by Yao Zhenyan:Investment Development of Environmental Protection in China  Statement by Mr.Daniel Goeudevrt  A Brief Introduction to China's Environmental Management System  Estimated Council Budget for 1992-1993  Financial Report  The Working Outline of Expert Working Group on Energy Strategy Technology……Second Meeting



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