SAT II 美国历史

出版时间:2009-2  出版社:群言出版社  作者:法拉鲍  页数:456  


You need a great score on the SAT United States History test to  get into your first-choice college, You've always been good at history, but now you want to be sure you're ready for this tough exam, How can you make certain you're getting the very best preparation available?    SAT Subject Test: Mathe Level 1 is the answer, It's the best because it's packed with the first-rate instruction and practice students expect, Everything you need is here, from top-quality topic reviews to full-length sample exams, So choose the test-prep guide that's sure to help you reach your goal--from the experts more students trust!


作者:(美国)法拉鲍 (Farabaugh.D.)


PART Ⅰ INTRODUCTION TO THE SAT SUBJECT TEST:U.S.HISTORYPART Ⅱ TOPIC REVIEW FOR THE U.S HISTORY TEST  Chatper1 Pre-Columbian America and the Age of Exploration  Chapter2 English Colonial Settlements  Chapter3 Colonial Life  Chapter4 Conflicts in the Colonial Era  Chapter5 The Road to Revolution  Chapter6 The American Revolution  Chapter7 The Articles of Confederation  Chapter8 The Constitution  Chapter9 Establishing a New Nation  Chapter10 The Early Nineteenth Centruy  Chapter11 Religion and Reform  Chapter12 The Market Revolution,1812-1845  Chapter13 National Expansion adn Sectional Division,1830-1850  Chapter14 A House Divided,1820-1860  Chapter15 The Civil War,1861-1865  Chapter16 Reconstruction,1865-1877  Chapter17 Westward Movement,1860-1898  Chapter18 The Rise of Big Business and the Gilded Age,1870-1896  Chapter19 Politics and the Call for Reform,1865-1900  Chapter20 Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressive Movement,1900-1920  Chapter21 The Unitd States Becomes a World Power  Chapter22 World war Ⅱ and Its Aftermath,1914-1920  Chapter23 The Jazz Age  Chapter24 The Great Depression  Chapter25 World War Ⅱ(Part Ⅱ)  Chapter26 World War Ⅱ(Part Ⅱ)  Chapter27 Postwar America,1945-1960  Chapter28 The New Frontier and the Civil Rights Movement  Chapter29 The Great Society  Chapter30 The Vietnam War  Chapter31 Watergate and Its Aftermath  Chapter32 The Reagan Era and the End of the Cold War  Chapter33 The 1990s and the Early 21st CenturyPART Ⅲ SIX FULL LENGTH PRACTICE TESTS


插图:The Mid-Atlantic ColoniesNewNetherland was the one Atlantic coast colony founded by the Dutch. Theyfamously purchased Manhattan from the Native Americans who lived there fora handful of cheap jewelry and founded the city of New Amsterdam there(although this story is not historically accurate). This island at the conflu-ence of the Hudson and East rivers was a perfect location for trading. Thiswas the beginning of a long history of European immigration to what was tobecome New York City. It was not exclusively a Dutch colony but attractedsettlers from many nations.In 1664 the English invaded New Amsterdam; its governor, Peter Stuyvesant,surrendered without a fight, and the colony was divided into two sections.One was renamed New York; the other, across the Hudson River, was calledNew Jersey.Pennsylvania, given by King Charles II to William Penn in 168l, was anexperiment in religious toleration. Penn was a Quaker who intended that allthe inhabitants of his colony, including Native Americans, should have equalrights. Thousands of immigrants sailed to Pennsylvania, attracted by thepromise of freedom and by its abundance of fertile farmland. Philadelphia,Penn's planned "City of Brotherly Love," soon became the largest city in thecolonies.The map below shows the original 13 British colonies, with the dates oftheir founding.


《新东方·SAT Ⅱ美国历史》全面覆盖SAT Ⅱ美国历史考点,精心设计诊断测试,发现知识漏洞,专家点拨解题思路,直击正确答案,7套全真模拟试题,提高应试技能。




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用户评论 (总计55条)


  •   不仅对SAT有帮助,对 GRE的学习也有益处。
  •   一本不错的书,说的是美国的历史 当初是为了考sat去买的
    虽然最后没考 但最少了解了美国历史
    全文几乎是英文 所以希望买的人 英文能力要强哦!~
  •   这本书挺好的,对SAT有帮助,即使是把它当做课外的阅读也不错!
  •   解决了不孩子的学习问题
  •   如果你想托福考出好成绩,了解点美国历史还是很有必要的
  •   该书编写内容全面,练习比真题稍难。是一本好书。
  •   考试前复习有用
  •   上午下单,下午送达。
  •   内容不错,很值
  •   留学不备教程
  •   图太少了!
  •   很实用的,力荐
  •   对ESSAY部分举例帮助很大
  •   出国之前看看不错,因为我不是考试,就是多了解一下,还带习题,很够用了
  •   讲解详细、易读
  •   很好,内容有难,但是想看的人必须买
  •   质量不错,内容充实详细,对备考帮助挺大。
  •   the cover is little odd, but still fun.fighting for Big U!
  •   ****so......但是不错了。。。。时间表列得很详细
  •   很好~全英文的
  •   這本書分時期詳細介紹了美國的歷史,是應考的好書。
  •   非常好!很快就送到货了。
  •   这本书比较适合用来拓展知识,并不太适合用来针对SAT2的考试。内容有点太细了。但是可以提高阅读能力是真的。如果真的要准备,可以选择barron,kaplan,或者American Pageant PS这本书是美国AP教程。内容不是一般的多 呵呵1000多页…………
  •   了解美国SAT考试内容
  •   我准备考托福新东方的老师让看美国历史中文的就算了高中也还有点印象就找本英语的可选择的余地不大找到了这本不错印刷质量还是内容都不错标准教材
  •   书本身是关于SAT2备考的,与原版的还是有些差距。
  •   7套全真模拟试题,提高应试技能。
  •   内容翔实,叙述有力,不愧是复习美国历史的佳品,也是学习美国历史的重要参考资料,作为入门很不错了。只是价格略高,是为美中不足。
  •   书的质量不错,内容大致翻了一下,还可以吧,书后如果有个单词表可能会更好些,可以偷懒少查些字典,毕竟不是看小说,还是要有英文学习功用的。
  •   买来了解下美国历史吧
  •   就当了解历史来阅读,同时为考试作准备。
  •   阅读有帮助
  •   巴郎的书很专业
  •   内容详尽,有条理。
  •   孩子考试的参考书
  •   内容上,还是差了一些,勉强做参考书吧。
  •   全英文(正文部分)!原本以为是有中文介绍应试技巧才买的,结果。。。唉。。。
  •   阅读参考,待读
  •   很后,纸很好,还行。字比较好。
  •   书还是不错的,就是来的时间太长啦~~希望不会太难
  •   全都是巴郎的~~
  •   很一般,不如巴朗.
  •   对于考SAT的人来说再好不过了。.有题目.有内容。..全英也利于阅读......
  •   考生可以买来一用 还可以吧
  •   英语初学者必选的好书。
  •   不错,是正版的,正在狂读!!!
  •   还好。说是中英文的。其实只有作者名称是中文吧。。==纠结,,本来还想中英双语的。不过里面的词汇啊什么都挺简单,句子也不难很好学习,自学也没问题~还有很多题目可以做。
  •   内容详细清楚,有大量习题。很有帮助
  •   应该就是历史教材性质的吧。既然是SAT的,应该就不会很难
  •   应该就是历史教材性质的吧。既然是SAT的,应该就不会很难。但是,为什么会有几张空白页,空白的几张怎么办?
  •   目前在国内学习SAT 2美国历史的教材不多,新东方的这本教材算是比较不错的,既有知识点讲解又有一些习题,应该说比较实用,如果能再收录一些美国历史的考试真题,那就太好了。
  •   本来拿到书的时候没什么特别的地方,最近在看,结果看到第96页,再往后就是113页了!中间的那些页呢???太不靠谱了吧!
  •   对学习英文帮助很大,性价比高。
  •   内容很不错,书也很干净。满意!
  •   还没到货 很期待

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