
出版时间:2003-1  出版社:华语教学  作者:吴中伟 编  页数:219  


  Contemporary Chinese is a textbook designed for those students who are learning Chinese. The ultimate goal of this book is to develop the students ability to comprehend and communicate in the Chinese language. Specifically, it provides training in listening. speaking, reading, and writing Chinese.  Intended for English-speaking learners, these Chinese teaching materials are designed to develop the learners ability to listen, speak, read and write, as well as the ability to communicate in social settings.  Text Book (Vols.1-4):This consists of text. Vocabulary, notes, grammar, and cultural background. The texts, given in both simplified and unsimplified characters, also include pinyin and English translation.


0. Preparation0.1Introduction to PhoneticsSructure of SyllablesInitialsFinalsTonesCorresponding Phonetic SymbolsTable of Syllables in Chinese0.2ConversationPhoneticsInitials: b p m f d t n lFinals: a o e i u üTones0.3ConversationPhoneticsInitials: g k hFinals: ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ongNeutral Tone0.4ConversationPhoneticsInitials: j q xFinal: ia ie iao iou ian in iang ing iong üe üan ünThe 3rd Tone Sandhi0.5ConversationPhoneticsInitials: z c sFinals: ua uo uai uei uan un uang0.6ConversationPhoneticsInitials: zh ch sh r erFinal: -iRetroflex Final0.7ConversationPhoneticsChinese Grammar TermsStylistic Rules and LayoutList of Characters第一课 你贵姓Phonetics: Tone Changes of “不bù”……第二课 认识你很高兴第三课 你家有几口人第四课 这张地图是英文的第五课 能不能试一试第六课 明天打算干什么第七课 你什么时候回来第八课 附近有没有银行Supplementary TextTwo Chinese Folk SongsIndex of VocabularyIndex of Grammatical ItemsIndex of Functional Items


  Contemporary Chinese is a textbook designed for those students who are learning Chinese. The ultimate goal of this book is to develop the students ability to comprehend and communicate in the Chinese language. Specifically, it provides training in listening. speaking, reading, and writing Chinese.  Intended for English-speaking learners, these Chinese teaching materials are designed to develop the learners ability to listen, speak, read and write, as well as the ability to communicate in social settings.  Text Book (Vols.1-4):This consists of text. Vocabulary, notes, grammar, and cultural background. The texts, given in both simplified and unsimplified characters, also include pinyin and English translation.




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