
出版时间:2000-1  出版社:华语教学出版社  作者:王晓钧  页数:243  


  《华语语法习得探讨(英文版)》的目的就是试图探讨汉语语法教学与第二语言学习者的习得过程之间的关系,以求建立起一个以外国学生的习得特点为依据的从而能清楚地反映汉语语言特点同时更有效地为汉语作为第二语言教学服务的教学语法系统。  由于汉语作为第二语言的教学发展与外语教学理论密切相关,我在《华语语法习得探讨(英文版)》中试图对现代比较有影响力的五种外语教学理论及其对教学实践的影响作了一个简要的比较研究。


  Chinese, one of a very few modernlanguages, can trace its history from the secondmillennium BC, to the present time with morespeakers than any other languages in the world.However, teaching Chinese as a secondlanguage, especially the study of its grammarfrom a pedagogical point of view, is only arecent development. The book presents arepresentative sample of the recent researchon Chinese pedagogical grammar.  It attempts to set up the pedagogicalprinciples based on the revelation of adultlearners acquisition features through surveysand comparative studies, and build up a bridgeto link the research on Chinese grammar to thepractice of teaching and learning Chinese as asecond language.  This book will not only be welcomed bystudents and instructors of Chinese language,but also by researchers and readers who havea wider interest in Chinese grammar andsecond language acquisition and would like toread in English.



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