
出版时间:1998-1  出版社:华语教学出版社  作者:黄全信 编著  页数:152  


Chapter Ⅰ Wei Stone Inscriptions  1. Origin and Development  2. Evolution from Official to Regular Script  3. Different Styles  4. Natural Wit and HumourChapter Ⅱ Teehniques of Writing.  1. Sitting Position  2. Standing Position  3. Holding the Brush  4. Movement of the BrushChapter Ⅲ Strokes  1. Basic Strokes  2. Complex Strokes  3. Eight Sick Strokes  4. The Way to Write the Character   5. Changes of Strokes  6. Order of StrokesChapter Ⅳ Radicals  1. Character's Head  2. Character's Bottom  3. Left Component  4. Right Component  5. Character's Frame  6. ChangesChapter Ⅴ Structure  1. Structural Forms  2. Structural Proportion  3. The Laws of the Structure  4. The Layout of the Structure  5. Outline of the Structure  6. Changes in the StructureChapter Ⅵ Tracing and Copying  1. Four-square Frame  2. Diagonal-marked Frame  3. Nine-square Frame  4. Two-square FrameChapter Ⅶ The Art of Composition.  1. Various Forms of Scrolls  2. Text  3. Inscriptions  4. SealsChapter Ⅷ Creation  1. Making a Plan Before Writing  2. The First Character Leads the Whole Text  3. A Coherent Whole  4. A Poetic ConceptionChapter IX  Appreciation



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