基础汉语课本 修订本 第四册

出版时间:1996-1  出版社:华语教学  作者:北京语言学院 编  页数:250  


  This new edition of Blemeatary Chiinese Readers hasbeen substantially revised by the authors in order to incor-porate new material that is based on recent developmentsin linguistic theory and teaching methods, and the manyconstructive suggestions from our readers.  The textbooks have been condensed from the origi-nal five volumes into four. More emphasis is now put onpractical language needed in daily communication. Also,the material has been updated to reflect current Chineselife. The lessons have been carefully arranged to makethe book as useful as possible, although the general struc-ture of the original has been maintained. In addition,newly recorded cassette tapes are provided. The varioussupplementary readings published for the first edition,however, can continue to be used for this edition.  It is our hope that the revised textbooks will help im-prove teaching results by further facilitating teachers andby being a stimulating and informative source to stu-dents. Sinolingua would like to send its warm regardsand sincere appreciation to those teachers who have sup-ported our work by using the books in their classes, andto all those who have sent suggestions for the improve-ment of the series.


第五十九课 北京第六十课 落花生第六十一课 金黄色的马鞭第六十二课 古槐第六十三课 牛郎织女第六十四课 养花第六十五课 西门豹第六十六课 事巳过三第六十七课 但知其一,不知其二第六十八课 干涉词汇表词语例解索引近义词例解索引


  小巷深处有株古槐,说不上有多少年岁了。  忽然有一天,传来个令人不安的消息,说一条公路要横穿这里,古槐要连根拔掉了。小巷里的人被惊动了。尤其感到震惊的,是紧靠古槐的大杂院的人们。胡子白白的肖老头儿第一个来到树下,抬头眯眼上上下下望了半天,生气地说:“这树怎么能毁呢?这是上了县志的呢!”同院的几个老人也围上来附和。一想到古槐就要拔掉,个个摇头叹息。大伙儿都觉得古槐和大杂院人的生活有什么关系,可究竟是什么关系呢?一时谁也说不出。还是肖老头儿提醒了大家: “要说这古树嘛……你们想想,大杂院虽然不怎么样,可出了不少当官的呢!”一张张皱巴的脸马上舒展开了。真的呢,几个人粗粗一凑,就觉得脸上十分光彩:小巷清朝的时候出了个秀才。



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