基础汉语课本 修订本 第一册

出版时间:1994-1  出版社:华语教学出版社  作者:北京语言学院 编  页数:250  




汉语拼音字母表词类简称表发音器官第一课韵母声母注释1.声母和韵母2.单韵母3.复韵母4.送气音和不送气音5.声调6.拼写规则7.你好8.汉字汉字的基本笔画汉字笔顺规则筇二课韵母注释1.鼻韵母2.复韵母3.三声变调(一)4.轻声5.拼写规则第三课韵母声母注释1.声母2.ie中e的读音3.三声变调(二)4.“不”的变调5.拼写规则第四课韵母注释1.ong与ueng2.拼写规则第五课韵母声母注释1.韵母2.声母3.zi ci si中的韵母第六课韵母声母注释1.声母2.zhi chi shi ri中的韵母3.儿化韵母4.隔音符号第七课韵母和声母小结注释1“您”2“您贵姓”第八课课堂用语北京语音表第九课注释①代词“她”③连词“和”语法1.汉语的语序2.“是打字句3.用“吗”的疑问句第十课注释1“汉语”和“中文”语法1.定语2.结构助词“的”3.用疑问代词的疑问旬第十一课注释1“一”弦的变调2“二”和“两”语法1.“有”字句2.数量词作定语3.疑问代词“几”第十二课注释1“的”的省略2“男”“女”语法1.形容词谓语句2.形容词谓语句的否定3.正反疑问句4.指示代词作定语第十三课第十四课第十五课第十六课第十七课第十八课第十九课第二十课第二十一课第二十二课词汇表


  This new edition of Elementary Chinese Readers has been substantially revised by tile authors in order to incor-porate new material that is based on recent developmentsin linguistic theory and teaching methods, and the manyconstructive suggestions from our readers.  The textbooks have been condensed from the origi-nal five volumes into four. More emphasis is now put onpractical language needed in daily communication. Also,the material has been updated to reflect current Chineselife. The lessons have been carefully arranged to makethe book as useful as possible, although the general struc-ture of the original has been maintained. In addition,newly recorded cassette tapes are provided. The varioussupplementary readings published for the first edition,however, can continue to be used for this edition.It is our hope that the revised textbooks will help im-prove teaching results by further facilitating teachers andby being a stimulating and informative source to stu-dents. Sinolingua would like to send its warm regardsand sincere appreciation to those teachers who have sup-ported our work by using the books in their classes, andto all those who have sent suggestions for the improve-ment of the series.



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