出版时间:1987-1 出版社:新世界出版社 作者:杨树文 页数:164
'Phags-pa's Historical MeritsThe Artistic Characteristics of The Biographical Paintings of 'Phags-paA Preliminary Study of the Making of The Biographical Paintings of 'Phags-paA History Book in Pictures1 The Eminent Monks of Tibetan Buddhism of China(1)2 The Eminent Monks of Tibetan Buddhism of China(2)3 Buddhas of Esoteric Buddhism(1)4 Buddhas of Esoteric Buddhism(2)5 The Birth of 'Phags-pa6 Sa-pan and 'Phags-paGoing to Liangzhou7 'Phags-pa's First Interview with Kublai8 'Phags-pa Educating the People9 'Phags-pa Performing Magic Power10 'Phags-pa Holds a Consecration Ceremony for the Newly Completed Stupa of Sa-pan11 The Controversy Between 'Phags-pa and Taoists12 The Renovation of Sa-skya Monastery13 'Phags-pa's First Return to Sa-skys Monastery14 'Phags-pa Listening to the Expositions of Sutras and Making Donations15 'Phags-pa Estab;osjes tje Sa=slua Ad,omostratove System and Appoints Officials,Then Sets Off for the Capital City16 The Extension of Southern Sa-skya Monastery17 'Phags-pa Presiding Over Abhiseka Ceremony for Emperor Kublai18 'Phags-pa Second Return to Tibet19 'Phags-pa Second Return to Sa-skya Monastery20 'Phags-pa Celebrating His Two Appointments21 'Phags-pa Presiding Over Prayer-meeting at Chu-mig22 'Phags-pa and His Disciples Disseminating Buddhist Doctrines23 'Phags-pa Passed Away24 Funeral Ceremony