出版时间:1999-10 出版社:中国对外经济贸易出版社 作者:诸梅华编 页数:257 字数:189000
本教材在课文的选择上,力求选择内容较新、语言较地道的素材——多数选用英美原文,还采用了日常业务往来的函电或经贸短文为课文。内容介绍主要业务环节或有关知识,以扩大赏视野,丰富知识,便于继续深造。 本教材分上、下两册,每学期一册。上册配有单词、中文注解及例句译文;下册注解中作对专业性较强的例句配有中文外,其他部分一概不附中文,以培养学生使用工具书的习惯和能力。第册后附有课文译文及练习答案,以供参考。 鉴于本书对象广泛,条件差异,使用者可按各自程序采取不同的学习进度。
Lesson One Marketing Lesson Two AdvertistingLesson Three Sending Samples and Placing Orders Lesson Four Packaging Lesson Five Foreign ExchangeLesson Six Documents Required for D/P Payment TermsLesson Seven Complaints and Handling ComplaintsLesson Eight How to Talk to Visitors on Your StandLesson Nine A Talk on EFN TreatmentLesson Ten Lloyd's of londonLesson Eleven Global Competition in a Changing World EconomyLesson Twelve The InternetLesson Thirteen The Internet:the Futurestic MarketplaceLesson Fourteen How a Cyberbiz WorksLesson Fifteen EDI and the InternetThe Chinese Versions of the Texts and Keys to the Exercises