出版时间:1999-10 出版社:中国对外经济贸易出版 作者:诸梅华 页数:262
《外贸中级英语》适用于有一定英语基础的学员,可供全日制院校使用,可作为岗位培训教材或为第二专科学员的教材,也可供自学之用, 本教材分上、下两册,每学期一册。上册配有单词,中文注解及例句译文。下册注解中除对专业性较强的例句配有中文外,其他部分一概不附中文,以培养学生使用工具书的习惯和能力。每册后附有课文译文及练习答案,以供参考。
Lesson One EmquiryLesson Two Reply to Enquiry Lesson Three Quotatio and OfferLesson Four Establishing Business RelationsLesson Five ComplaintLesson Six Advising Authorization of EstablishmentLesson Seven Demand and SupplyLesson Eight Bridges and TiesLesson Nine A Sales LetterLesson Ten A Letter of AdjustmentLesson Eleven Advantages of Written CommunicationLesson Twelve Discrepancies Between Credit and ContractLesson Thirteen A Brief Introduction to the Investment in ShanghaiLesson Fourteen A Speech at a BanquetLesson Fifteen Why New Incoterms VocabularyThe Chinese Version of the Testxs and Key to the Exercises