
出版时间:1970-1  出版社:广播电大  作者:吴叔平  


With overseas learners of Chinese as the targeted users, a systematic teaching of pinyin is given respecting initials, finals,tones as well as its spelling;  A complete English explanation is applied to depict how and where the initials and finals of pinyin are enunciated physically. Moreover, such sounds are not only demonstrated by voice but also cartoon pictures;  Cartoons are again employed to display syllable and word combination procedures and facilitate similar sound comparisons and contracts, reinforced by the demonstration reading. Appropriate intervals are left for the learner torepeat and follow up;    Dialogs are en facto pragmatic situational scenes which encompass focuses of learning in each episode. Baldness of syllables and words detailing could be thereby rendered into useful conversations for student.



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用户评论 (总计2条)


  •   其实是买来送给给外国客户自学的,在网上了解过相关的外国人汉语教材,才知道有《中国全景》一系列的书,只是还听说了其他基本教材内容比较旧,于是决定买语音导入这本。希望够实用。不过不好对书或者书里的内容评论,我根本没看到,直接寄给客户了。
  •   语音还可以,但是动画效果差了些,不能准确反映发音变化过程,有些失望

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