出版时间:2002-10-1 出版社:广东世界图书出版公司 作者:彭妍
1 Makin a Room Reservation 预定房间
2 Meeting the Foreing Guests 迎接外国客人
3 Driveing to a Hotel 去宾馆途中
4 Introducing the Scenic Spots 介绍景点
5 Arranging the Schedule 日程安排
6 Introducing Chinese Food 介绍中国菜肴
7 Talking about Religions in China and Chiese Culture 谈中国宗教和中国文化
8 Talking about Beijing Operq 谈京剧
9 Talking about China's Nationalities 谈中国民族
10 Introducing Chinese Festivals 介绍中国节日
11 Introducing the Chinese Art of Tea Drinkin 介绍中国茶道
12 Visting a Zoo 游览动物园
13 Sight-seeing on West Lakd 游览西湖
14 Touring a City 市内游览
15 Touring the Zhongshan Memorial Hall 游览中山陵
16 Visiting the palace Museum 游览故宫
17 Visiting the Great Wall 游览长城
18 Touring Beidaith Beach 在北戴河海滩
19 Enjoying the Scenery of Guilin 桂林山水
20 Arranging the Next Stop 安排下一站
21 Seeing Off 告别
附录:Words and Expressions 词汇和短语