出版时间:2012-8 出版社:窦卫霖 对外经济贸易大学出版社 (2012-08出版) 作者:窦卫霖 页数:287
教育部《高等学校商务英语专业本科教学要求》提出:“高等学校商务英语专业旨在培养具有扎实的英语基本功、宽阔的国际视野、专闭的国际商务知识与技能,掌握经济学、管理学和法学等相关学科的基本知识和理论,具备较强的跨文化交际能力与较高的入文素养,能在国际环境中熟练使用英语从事商务、经贸、管理、金融等工作的应用型商务英语专业人才。”培养跨文化交际能力与语言能力、专业知识和人文素养被看作同等重要,这四大模块组成了商务英语专业的知识与能力结构。 《跨文化交际导论》(英文版)一书就是根据以上商务英语专业本科教学要求,为适应我国对外沟通的发展需求而精心编写的,目的是为培养学生的跨文化交际能力,培养我国急需的国际型人才提供有用的教材。
Chapter 1 Introduction to Intercultural Communication Chapter 2 Communication and Culture Chapter 3 Cultural Value Orientation Chapter 4 Culture and Verbal Communication Chapter 5 Culture and Nonverbal Communication Chapter 6 Thought Patterns and Language Chapter 7 Culture and Interpersonal Relationship Chapter 8 Culture and Business Etiquette Chapter 9 Culture and Education Chapter 10 School Culture Chapter 11 Mass Media and Popular Culture Chapter 12 Promotion of Chinese Culture Chapter 13 Intercultural Communication Competence References
版权页: 插图: Under the influence of different geography environments,life styles,customs and different cultural values,the East and West are different in their ways of thinking.Let us examine some more phenomena: A Chinese teacher is teaching in a class.He is talkative and expressive.Everyone listens to him interestingly.Suddenly,he stops and asks students a question. However,the students don't know the answer,so they stay quiet. The teacher gets angry but has no idea of what's wrong with students'behavior. This scene often happens in Chinese classrooms.But Westerners believe that keeping silent is not good while interacting with others.Even if you don't understand,you should say something instead of keeping silent,as it is regarded as rude and impolite.The reason lies in that the East and the West have different ways of thinking.The Eastern people are conservative,introvert and inactive,and they put more emphasis on harmony;while the Western people are more open-minded,extrovert and active.They like changeable life and thus emphasize on competition.In this way,different ways of thinking lead to their different understanding on each other's behaviors.Chinese see somebody who is talkative as showing himself off in front of people. In China,we seldom see a couple making close contact in public.They are always walking side by side in a certain distance.While in the West,the couple are free and open to showthat they are a couple.Even when they meet the acquaintances,they always give them a hug or kiss as greeting.Controversially,Chinese will only shake hands with their friends but seldom hug.They don't kiss others as they regard it as an intimate action between husband and wife.The reason why people in the East and the West behave so differently is that people in the East emphasize on ethic principle and morality.The Westerners focus more on freedom,democracy and individualism.