
出版时间:2012-8  出版社:史兴松 对外经济贸易大学出版社 (2012-08出版)  作者:史兴松 编  页数:173  




Chapter 1 Business Etiquette in the International Arena Chapter 2 The Good First Impression Chapter 3 Dress to Impress Chapter 4 Office Etiquette Chapter 5 How to Host a Meeting Chapter 6 Telephoning Etiquette Chapter 7 Job Interview Etiquette Chapter 8 Business Dining Etiquette Chapter 9 Negotiation Etiquette Chapter 10 To Gift or Not Key to Exercises References


版权页:   Corporate attire is the written or unwritten dress code of an organization.It suggests aformal,conservative dress style.It is what is expected when interviewing with an employerunless 8tated otherwise.Attention to detail,impeccable groomin9,and a well-fitted suit are amust to make a lasting good impression. Business—wear clothing has changed over the years.In an office,appropriate corporateattlre may be clean,formal clothing,such a shirt and tie,suit,or other similar outilts.WhilePrevious eras of clothing(classically,the 1950s)had very standardized business wear-differentiating strongly between male and female apparel choices,the two types haveconverged as women's business styles have become less exclusively focused on skirts andblouses and have introduced suits as an article of business wear for either sex. There are two levels of business attire:business professional(the most conservativecorporate dress)and informal business professional(a more relaxed version of the businessprofessional look). The business professional look includes a conservative suit in a solid or Dinstripedpattern.Choose neutral colors(navy,dark brown,beige,burgundy,gray and black) for thebasic pieces,which are the tops and bottoms.The informal professional look incorporatesmore pizzazz and color-in jackets,sweaters and blouse styles—and even dresses and skirts insilky prints combined with tailored jackets and sweaters.Casual attire has been called the mostrelaxed corporate dress code,and subsequently,the most abused and misunderstood dresscode.A professional woman's goal is to blend the casual with the chic.Casual and chicbusiness attire incorporates colorful sweaters,leather blazers,and your favorite accessoriesmto your professional look.When done right,your casual chic wardrobe can take you from"Casual Friday" at the office to "First Fridays"social events.





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