
出版时间:2012-7  出版社:对外经贸大学出版社  作者:房玉靖 主编  页数:120  字数:191000  




Unit 1 Work in Unity for the Future
Related Technical Terms
Grammar——Passive Voice
Key to the Exercises
Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 2 World Economic Outlook Update (Ⅰ)
Related Technical Terms
Grammar——Modal Auxiliaries
Key to the Exercises
Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 3 World Economic Outlook Update (Ⅱ)
Related Technical Terms
Grammar——Infinitive (Ⅰ)
Key to the Exercises
Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 4 Multinational Corporations
Related Technical Terms
Grammar——Infinitive (Ⅱ)
Key to the Exercises
Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 5 Recent Economic Developments
Related Technical Terms
Grammar——Gerund (Ⅰ)
Key to the Exercises
Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 6 Imports and Exports
Related Technical Terms
Grammar——Gerund (Ⅱ)
Key to the Exercises
Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 7 Economic Prospects
Related Technical Terms
Grammar——Present Participle and Past Participle (Ⅰ)
Key to the Exercises
Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth
Related Technical Terms
Grammar——Present Participle and Past Participle (Ⅱ)
Key to the Exercises
Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 9 Climate Change Hot under the Collar
Related Technical Terms
Key to the Exercises
Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 10 Advertising: It's Everywhere
Related Technical Terms
Grammar——Subject Clause
Key to the Exercises
Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 11 Intellectual Property Rights & International Consumer's
Related Technical Terms
Grammar——Predicative Clause
Key to the Exercises
Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 12 Deepen Exchanges and Cooperation for Inclusive Growth
Related Technical Terms
Grammar——Object Clause
Key to the Exercises
Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 13 Quality of Service at McDonald's
Related Technical Terms
Grammar——Appositive Clause
Key to the Exercises
Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 14 Strengthen Confidence in Cooperation and Revive the World
Related Technical Terms
Grammar——Attributive Clause (Ⅰ)
Key to the Exercises
Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For?
Related Technical Terms
Grammar——Attributive Clause (Ⅱ)
Key to the Exercises
Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 16 Welcome to the Wired World
Related Technical Terms
Grammar——General Revision
Key to the Exercises
Chinese Version of the Text


  当然,经理在保持员工努力工作中起了举足轻重的作用。一方面,店内的计算机化现金出纳机使经理能密切地监视职员的工作。数字可以清楚地告之谁在规定的时间内完成了最多的销售额,谁尽力说服顾客购买了特别的食品。另一方面,经理总是在柜台后面或是在门店内走来走去。在高峰时间,经理会和员工一起工作,并对员工给予指示。若是哪一名员工出现了工作上的懈怠,东西就很容易被弄脏,特别是洁具,经理们总是不断地努力按照他们的名言去要求员工,“如果有时间去打扫,那么就去打扫干净”。  有顾客在现场是促使员工努力工作的另一大主要因素。麦当劳公司经常有意安排员工工作的场所暴露于等候服务的顾客面前,这样员工可以看见等候的顾客。当排着长队的人们等待服务的时候,员工们不得不尽可能迅速地工作。那种急切的眼神给员工们施加了很大的压力,这使他们保持忙碌的工作状态。一个员工承认,我特别害怕遇到没耐心和好挑刺的顾客。事实上,即使顾客没有任何牢骚,我也会在他们无形的压力之下努力工作。  然而,这些压力并不是员工们充满热情地努力工作的唯一原因。经理也设法激励他们采取主动积极的态度去工作。经理的经常出现意味着好的工作表现是会被注意到的。经理的称赞是对员工表现的最好认同。还有各式各样的激励措施确保员工们的辛勤工作能获得即得的利益,如免费的麦当劳套餐而不是通常的半价餐,最新上映的免费电影票都是给优秀员工的奖励。最高销售量的竞赛或是在一定时间内比谁销售的最多,都是鼓励员工之间比赛速度和进取心方法。每个季度,岗位的表现清单会如实反映员工的工作成绩,在这段时间内,对认真负责的员工将会给予增加工资以及授予麦当劳光荣勋章,晋升为员工教练员、领班或大堂经理也可以刺激一些员工尽可能努力工作。  ……




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